Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts


214 Out of Fresh Podcast Topics Ideas? Do This Instead…

ver feel like you're running out of new podcast topic ideas? Maybe you feel like you've covered everything and your struggling to talk about something new. Well, let's talk about why repetition isn't just okay, but absolutely essential for your podcast's success....

211 Tips for Podcast Hosts to Manage Guest Plugs Effectively

So, your guest wants to promote themself on your podcast... Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should. In this episode, I tackle a common pitfall that can derail your podcast's flow and alienate your listeners: letting guests run away with their...

210 3 Ways to Give Your Podcast a Refresh (without Pivoting)

Is Your Podcast Feeling a Little Stale? Has your podcast lost its luster? Here are 3 ways to breathe new life into your podcast without blowing up the entire thing.   1. Perform Maintenance on Key Communication Pieces First, let's tackle the core elements of your...

208 How the Interview Podcast Model Could be Hurting You

If you have a podcast where you interview guests,  STOP. When you decided to get into podcasting you thought, it would be a great way to build your authority, grow your visibility, and improve your conversions. Awesome. And then you looked at the other podcasts out...

207 Uploaded a Podcast Episode With a Mistake? Here’s What to Do

You uploaded an episode with a mistake! CRAP! What do you do? In today's episode, I'm going to walk you step by step through the process of how to deal with an uploaded podcast episode that has little booboo in it. I know the feeling.  I make mistakes. And sometimes,...

206 Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a successful podcaster? Like, if you were nominated for a podcast award like the Ambies, or Webbies would that make you a successful podcaster? I ask not just because a show I edit and produce was nominated, but because...

202 What’s the Most Powerful Way to Start a Podcast Interview?

Don't Blow Your Interview with the First Question! Instead, Captivate Your Audience from the Start In this episode, I want to convince you to NEVER start an episode with a LAME question again becasue it's killing your podcast. Have you ever used these open-ended...

200 What Are Successful Podcasters Doing to Win at Podcasting?

I'm taking a moment to celebrate a special milestone – our 200th episode! It's been an incredible 7-year journey, and I want to share some valuable insights from this experience that can help you turn your podcast into a marketing machine for your business.  I took a...

199 Unlocking Podcast ROI: The Power of Dynamic Ads

For the longest time, I've been advising against running ads in your podcast. Why? Because your show is the ad! It's all about building that know-like-and-trust with your audience to convert them effortlessly. But hey, you clicked on this episode to find out how to...

197 How to Tap Into the Power of Storytelling in Your Podcast

Ever wondered how to turn your podcast from 'meh' to 'mind-blowing'? Well, have I got a story for you... There are only a few things that we do that our caveman ancestors also did. And there's one important Caveman activity that you should be doing in your podcast....

196 How to Benefit the Most from Podcast Guest Exchanges

Wanna Podcast Guest Swap! You've heard of a podcast guest exchange, right? Sounds like a great idea - but there are a lot of ways it can go wrong. In this episode, I lay out all the basics so you can benefit from great guest exchanges and avoid time-sucking...

190 Should You Start A Podcast for Your Personal Brand?

If you're a personal brand, and you haven't yet ventured into the world of podcasting, this episode is tailor-made for you. But hold on, if you've already got a podcast, guess what? This episode is just as relevant for you. Basically, if you're a personal brand - or a...

189 The 3 Parts of a Powerful Podcast Call to Action

Want a podcast that gets action? Then never skip the call to action! It may seem like an obvious statement but I hear so many podcasters skip or butcher the call to action in their podcast. I've shared the importance of the Call to Action before. So, if you want to...

188 Shut Up and Listen – Podcaster Interview Best Practices

Use These Tips to Become a Better Podcast Interviewer (and Turn Your Podcast from Good to Great)   I bet you think that good podcast interviews are all about good questions. What if I told you that great interviews happen between the questions? On this episode, I...

186 Email Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Podcast ROI

Your podcast on it's own is not a marketing plan - it's a piece of the plan. In this episode, I share another piece of the plan that not only improves your podcast ROI it can also improve your podcast. It's email. Why Email Marketing is Your Podcast's Secret Weapon...

184 5 Reasons to Podcast for Your Business (Pick One)

There are a lot of good reasons to podcast for your business but if you don't know which one is behind YOUR podcast it won't serve your listener, and that means it likely won't serve your business either. In other words, when you're not clear on the reason you're...

183 The Top Reasons You Should Get Your Podcast on YouTube (Now!)

Your Podcast Needs to be on Youtube Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Coach, I already have my podcast on iTunes and Spotify. Why do I need to bother with YouTube?" And to that I have a counter question, why would you limit yourself? You want all the ears you on...

182 The 7 Mindset Traps that Kill Podcasts (and How to Avoid Them)

How All Podcasters Can Keep a Positive Mindset I’m terrible at this. Nobody is even listening. Everyone else has a million downloads and I’ll never get there. I have a terrible voice. Each episode takes hours to record and I’m exhausted! I think it would be better if...

179 Stuck in a Podcast Rut? Here’s How One Client Got Out

So, you’re cruising along with your podcast. It’s growing slowly but steadily. And then suddenly, it stops. You're not losing listeners but you’re not gaining them either. You’re in a podcast rut.  The good news is that lots of podcasters deal with this. It’s the...

177 The Most Important Question to Ask About Your Podcast Goals

Why You Need to Tap into the Purpose of Your Podcasting Efforts As a podcast coach, I’ve met with hundreds of podcasters through my free 15-minute coaching sessions. Hundreds. There’s one question I always seem to be asking. And, for some reason, this question often...

This Podcast Episode is 100% AI-Generated. Does it Suck?

The AI Takeover of Podcasting: The Robo-pocalypse This is how I generated it. I used: https://chat.openai.com/ .  Free to use (at the time of this episode). PROMPT Write a podcast script for an ai generated voice about how podcasts can be 100% ai created and nobody...

173 How to Make Money from Podcasting

Discover Your Podcast Path to Profits I’ve met my fair share of podcasters with dollar signs in their eyes. And fair enough - podcasting takes a lot of time and energy … when you do it right. So, why shouldn’t you get paid? Why shouldn’t you want some podcast ROI? ...

171 How Consistency can Make or Break Your Podcast Success

Podcasters often think of their schedule when they think about consistency - and it's true, it is important to deliver your podcast on a regular basis. But, that's not the only way to benefit from being consistent with your podcast. In this episode, I outline three...

170 The 6 Most Common Industry Lies Podcasters Shouldn’t Buy Into

Podcasting is easy. Just grab a mic and go. Lots of people are making tons of money podcasting.  These are lies. Or at best, half truths.  In this episode, I get real with you about some of the harmful industry lies being told to podcasters. But don’t worry, it won’t...

169 Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Podcast Recording Space

Great content, check. Professional mic, check. But your podcast still sounds like crap? It could be where you’re recording.  Let me tell you something you may not want to hear if you’ve spent a lot of money on a mic (or any money, for that matter). Even the most...

168 The Top 5 Mistakes I Made with My First Podcast

I don’t want to alarm you but, ahem, I do make mistakes. Not many. Like, maybe 5 in my whole life.  But, like all entrepreneurs, I’ve learned from the ones I’ve made so in this episode, I thought I would share the ones I made when I launched my very first podcast...

166 How to Avoid the Annoying Podcast Mic Fade

You've heard of podcast fade (when eager new podcasters can’t keep up the pace and their show dies away), but I'm hearing a lot of podcast mic fade. This is when the host’s (or guest’s) voice slowly drifts off.  Let’s talk about what this means to your listener -...

165 How to be as Successful as Joe Rogan in Podcasting

Want to be the Joe Rogan of Your Niche? Here’s Your Step by Step Plan I talk to a lot of podcasters in my free 15- minute coaching calls and hands down the most common thing I hear from podcasters is that they want Joe Rogan level success in their podcasting niche. ...

163 Do you Need to Rethink How you Handle Your Podcast Microphone?

Get your grubby hands off me!  If your mic could talk, that’s what it would be saying. There is one time and one time only that you should be touching your mic and that is when you are setting it up at exactly the right position. Could your Mic Skills be Ruining Your...

162 Has Your Podcast Lost its Magic? This Might Be Why

There’s this thing that happens to athletes when they over train. They over-analyze every stroke, swing, or step. They start to overthink what they are doing. Their motions and reactions become too premeditated, too stiff, too awkward. The pressure to perform mounts…...

161 Case Study: How She Launched and got 30,000 Podcast Downloads

 Jayna Marie’s Promotion Plan Generated Massive Downloads in the First 30 Days It’s the dream. Launch a podcast and instantly have 30,000 downloads. ‘Huge downloads’ is certainly the most common goal I hear in my free 15-minute coaching calls! The problem is, it’s not...

159 Are You Throwing Away the Most Important Part of Your Podcast?

Repetition and Consistency are Essential and Powerful Just because you’ve said it 100 times doesn’t mean someone has heard it 100 times. And it certainly doesn’t mean you can toss it away like a 2 month-old iPhone. (Apple slam!) I hear this all the time. It happens in...

157 Want a Better Sounding Podcast? Do This With Your Mic

So, you got the most expensive mic and you thought that would make you sound great. I have bad news for you. The best mic can still sound like crap if you’re using it wrong.  If you want to sound great, you need to have good mic technique. I explain all about proper...

156 The 5 Mistakes I See Podcasters Make the Most

One of the best parts of what I do is getting to meet so many podcasters. I love it when they bring their problem podcast or podcast dreams to me.  And, with hundreds of coaching meetings under my belt, I can see the patterns. Every podcaster or would-be podcaster is...

155 The Simple Paradigm Shift that Could Save Your Podcast

The Podcast Lesson I Learned from a Burly, Tattooed Biker  You’re out there minding your own business when suddenly you come face to face with rather large, tatted up biker who forces you to see things a different way.  This literally happened to me in my twenties on...

154 Are You Ignoring The Best Podcast Episode Topic Ideas?

Do you ever feel like you are running out of things to talk about in your podcast?  You are not alone. I hear this challenge from a lot of podcasters.  The good news is that there’s gold hiding in your past episodes! I’ve talked before about how to use past topics to...

153 Want a Podcast with Long Term Impact?

Do you ever feel like you’re talking into a great empty void? Like your podcast is out there floating around and nobody is listening?    It can be so demoralizing!   In this week’s episode, I share a blast from the past to help you see that what you're doing...

152 Want to Have a #1 Podcast? It’s Easy!

Don’t Fall Prey to the Lure of False Metrics Who doesn’t want to have the number one podcast? Pretty much every podcaster, right? That’s why marketers keep promising it to you. But, you shouldn’t bite.  I’ve been seeing a lot of ads lately offering you up a guaranteed...

151 How to Manage Your Podcast Music Like a Pro

The Top Mistakes Podcasters Make Using Music Have you ever been at a bar or party where the music is really loud and it’s a struggle to have a conversation? It’s annoying but part of the party experience. When it’s part of a podcast experience it’s just annoying....

150 The 5 Key Pieces of a Powerful Podcast Description

Is Your Podcast Description Helping or Hurting? Here's How to Fix It. Remember way back when you started your podcast and you wrote your description. That was a crazy time! You were launching your podcast, everything was new and let’s face it, there was a bit of...

148 Want to Nail Your Podcast Guest Intro Every Time? Do This!

You’ve heard it before. Hopefully on someone else’s podcast… The host boots around the guest intro so bad that the guest either has to awkwardly say something about it. Or, there needs to be a whole conversation about it - “Did I say your name right?...”  This is not...

147 How to Make Your Podcast Better in the New Year

hat would make your podcast better next year? Here are my top 4 tips on how to reflect to get better results from your podcast.  You want results, right?  Okay, then let’s get into it.  I released this episode right before the end of 2021… but don’t lump me in with...

146 The Top 5 Ways to Pack Your Podcast with Great Content

You Can’t Serve Your Listener with Crappy Podcast Content Do you want a podcast that is so great your listeners can’t wait for the next episode to drop? And do you also want that podcast to help your listeners see you as an authority and be dying to work with you or...

145 The 5 Best Tech Tips for a Better Podcast

In the past few years, starting a podcast has never been easier. That’s a problem. You say, starting a podcast may be easy but sounding good, well, that takes a bit more effort.  And so, we now have a giant steaming pile of crap sounding podcasts. Is yours one of...

144 The Top 5 Ways to Improve Podcast Performance

You’ve got a great show idea, valuable information to share or insightful guests to interview but your show isn’t quite up to the caliber of your brand. You need a performance overhaul! Good news, I’m sharing my top 5 tips for improving your podcast performance as...

143 My Top 5 Podcast Marketing Tips to Grow Your Audience

So, the whole build it and they will come podcasting approach hasn’t quite panned out. I hate to be the one to break it to you but in a sea of podcasts, you’re going to have to put some signals out if you want to be found.  And that means marketing! It’s one of the...

142 Do You Need a Podcast Editor (and How to Find a Good One)?

We get it. You’re capable. You learned how to edit your podcast and that’s great. But, ask yourself should you be editing your podcast? Or, should you hire a podcast editor? And, how do you hire the right editor? How much does a podcast editor cost?  There are a lot...

141 What the Heck is a ‘Podcast Producer’ (and Do I Need One)?

You’ve probably heard of a producer. And, you probably know that there are a lot of different types of producers - especially in the world of media. You have an executive producer, a line producer, a technical producer, an associate producer… the list goes on.  But,...

140 What’s a Podcast Coach (and Why Should You Hire One)?

Hello, I’m a podcast coach. A what? A Podcast Coach. Well, what the hell is a podcast coach? This conversation doesn’t happen as much now as it used to but that doesn’t mean people aren’t wondering about it. And if they’re podcasters, they are often also thinking, ‘Do...

139 Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid with Podcast Episode Titles

Tell me if this sounds familiar. Someone recommends a new podcast so you check it out. You open it up and start to scan the different titles looking for something that sounds interesting.  This is a common experience that almost every podcast listener has had. What...

138 The Number 1 Sign Your Podcast is Too Self-Serving

Are You Failing Your Podcast Listener by Serving Yourself First? A Big Get. That’s what people in radio call landing an interview with a big name celebrity or a hard to nail-down politician. But, sometimes, that ‘big get’ is all about ego instead of being about...

137 How Going Local Can Increase Your Podcast Impact

Niche Down to Boost Listener Loyalty and Connection   Niching your podcast to increase your impact is no longer a secret strategy. But, have you ever considered going local as a way to niche down?  Forget the world wide web -  get traction where you live by...

134 Is Your Lack of Mic Awareness Putting Your Podcast in Danger?

Go Beyond the Position of Your Microphone to Get Good Audio So, you think you’re pretty hot on the mic? Well, I’ve got news for you. Mic skills go beyond knowing where to place the mic.  So, let’s say you’re all up to speed on proper mic placement.  You know, you’re 2...

133 What’s the Best Way to Start Strong Every Podcast Episode?

Scripted Podcast? Improve Your Performance with this Top Tip... Have you ever noticed that things are a little bumpy out of the gate when you turn that mic on? Well, if you have, you are in good company. Some of the best radio voices need time to warm up, to get into...

132 Is Apple Podcast Subscriptions a Good Idea?

Can You Monetize Your Podcast with Subscriptions? The podcast world is always evolving and it raises a lot of questions. Almost instantly after Apple Podcasts sent out a notification about their new subscription service, emails started flooding my inbox.    My...

131 Why Your Podcast Growth Strategy Needs to be Custom

Stop comparing your podcast growth plan to everyone else’s You have a podcast growth strategy right? You know that plan you have for attracting an audience full of your ideal customers?  Here’s the problem, most podcasters either don’t have a growth strategy or they...

130 How Upspeak is Compromising your Podcast Authority

Are you compromising your authority just by how you present your information? You might be if you do this one thing? And I hear a lot of people doing it?  I’m not going to mince words, it drives me crazy? Imagine if every sentence you wrote had a question mark on the...

129 How to Get Way Better Audio from your Podcast Guest

5 Ways to Avoid Crappy Sounding Guest Audio **Jerk-Alert** Fair warning… in this episode, I share 5 things you should be doing to ensure you get the best possible audio from guests on your show … but I can’t promise I’ll be nice about it.  Here’s what happens all the...

127 5 Key Changes to the Podcast World that You Need to Know

Why Apple Killed the Subscribe Button (and What you Should Do About It) The world of podcasting is constantly changing and it can be tough to keep up. In fact, there’s so much change, you might be tempted to just ignore most of these miniscule shifts.  Well, I don’t...

126 Rule #1: Make It Easy to Subscribe to Your Podcast

The Best Way to Get Podcast Subscribers from Your Website I want to subscribe to your podcast. It seems like a simple thing. It should be a simple thing.  I can’t tell you how many times I go to a podcasters website eager to check out their show. I love what I’m...

125 How to Avoid Sending the Worst Podcast Pitch Ever

Perfecting the promotional strategy of getting on other people’s podcasts. Getting on other peoples podcasts is one of the most effective ways to promote your show and reach a new audience. It’s the number one thing I coach my clients to do when they are looking to...

124 Three Reasons Great Podcasters Want to Have a Pen Handy

Don’t dismiss the power of the pen as a podcast tool When we talk about tools to make you a better podcaster, you probably think about mics and mixers. Well, there’s one tool you want to have in your tool kit and it’s one that I never podcast without. The mighty pen. ...

123 Want Amazing Interview Skills? Take a Lesson from Larry King

Be a Better Podcast Interviewer by Learning From a Legend We lost a broadcast legend. Larry King was most known for his 25-year run on CNN hosting Larry King LIVE but podcasters can learn a lot from him - especially if you interview guests on your show.    In...

122 What are Podcast Themes and Do You Really Need Them?

How to Organize Your Content to Save Your Audience Does your podcast have themes buckets? Breaking News: it needs them!   “Uh, Coach, what’s a podcast theme?”   So glad you asked, Billy.    A podcast theme is where you place the topics of your show....

121 Why Every Podcaster Needs to Abandon Zoom for Interviews

Zencastr vs Ringr vs Squadcast vs Riverside for Podcast Interviews At the time of recording, we’re still in the thick of that damn pandemic and pretty much everyone is ready to get to a post-zoom-meeting world.  So, I’m sure today’s tip is going to come as a welcome...

120 Is it Worth Starting a Podcast for Your Business?

Should you be using podcasting as a marketing tool? When people hear I’m a podcast coach they want to know, ‘is it worth starting a podcast for my business?’.  The answer is: maybe. Timing is everything and it totally depends on where you are in your business...

119 The Interview Technique Every Podcast Needs to Know

Take Care of Your Podcast Listener with a Timewarp Your interview is too long. I mean, it’s waaaay longer than your normal interviews.    This has happened for one of two reasons: You lost control of your guest and let them run rampant with your show (see episode...

118 Why You Should Have Powerful Podcast Show Notes

What are podcast show notes and why do you need them? Are you phoning it in when it comes to your show notes? Stop! Don’t underestimate the value of podcast show notes. They’re not just something you ‘have’ to fill in when you upload!  If you’ve ever listened to my...

117 What Too Many New Podcasters Waste Their Energy On

Where you Should put your Energy when Starting a Podcast Where do new podcasters waste their energy and where should they put their energy when starting a podcast?  This excellent question was sent in by podcaster, Andrew Petty of Andrew Petty is Dying. Thanks for...

116 What to do When Your Audience Wants More

How to Deal with Podcast Growing Pains Your audience loves you. They just can’t get enough. They want more and more content from you.  It’s a good problem to have, but make no mistake it can still be a problem.  “Even podcasters that are doing well still need help!”...

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