Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

Go Beyond the Position of Your Microphone to Get Good Audio

So, you think you’re pretty hot on the mic? Well, I’ve got news for you. Mic skills go beyond knowing where to place the mic. 

So, let’s say you’re all up to speed on proper mic placement.  You know, you’re 2 – 3 inches away. The mic is pointing to the corner of your mouth, and you’re talking past it (not straight into it, but past it so you don’t have any p’s popping).  

And, we’re assuming the proper mic is selected in your recording software and that you’re seeing the proper levels. 


Basics, right? Good. 


Now, let’s talk about how you can ruin this perfect set up by not being mic-aware.

Being mic-aware is all about staying tied to that mic. Making sure you stay in position whenever you are talking. 

Otherwise, what your audience gets is ghosted words and abandoned sentences where they can barely hear you. 

Imagine reading a blog when sud

Or, if you had a T-shirt with a saying on it and the last two words are in tiny print. So, small you have to lean awkwardly in to read them.  Maybe you have to squint. It’s brutal. 


Here’s the thing – you can’t expect people to fill in the gaps or go back and turn up the audio just because you looked down or turned away from the mic. 

And even if they do, why would you want to annoy them like that? 

Remember, this podcast is about and for THEM. Treat them like gold. You want the podcast to be such a spectacular listening experience that they will vow to never miss an episode. You want them to stop random people on the street just to spread the gospel of YOUR podcast.

But they aren’t going to do that if you annoy them by ghosting words or dropping off in the middle of the sentence just because you’re too disorganized or lazy to hold a piece of paper up where you can both read AND have good mic placement. 


You need to be like a chicken.

Your head needs to be locked into position next to that mic of yours.

Watch how chickens do it. (video link)

It’s called head tracking. Your body can move but your head stays put.

When you do that – every magical word out of your mouth goes straight into the mic and deep into your listener’s ears. 

The other thing I tell podcasters I work with is to plant your feet. Yes, they’re standing up when they record. 

When you’re scrambling, or rummaging around looking for stuff and talking off mic. It tells me that you don’t know what you’re doing, you didn’t prepare and you’re not focused.  

It’s the little things that say, ‘I love you, listener’. So, don’t make it sound like. ‘I lo…    

And, I hope that’s just the tip you need to become a better podcaster, build your authority and sound more like a pro so you can convert with ease. 


Not sure if your room and mic sound pro? Book a free 15-minute coaching call and we’ll get you fixed right up. 


Listen to more 5-minute episodes, explore my resources and check out my coaching packages at https://podcastperformancecoach.com/


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Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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