Should you sit or stand when recording your podcast?
It’s time to podcast – so, let’s get comfortable. Have a seat. Plant your butt in the chair and relax. Feel better? Great. Now perform – you’re on.
Wait. This isn’t meditation. Can you imagine Adele or Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones recording an album with their ass firmly planted in a chair? HELL NO! And, you shouldn’t do it either. As far as I’m concerned, there really isn’t much of a debate when it comes to the questions of whether you should sit or stand to record your podcast. Even the way modern radio stations are designed and built supports my theory on standing.
In this episode, I give you more than one good reason why you should be on your feet at the mic. And, I reveal the 10% rule that applies to amping up the energy in podcasts and radio. Here’s a hint – it’s the audio version of “the camera adds 10 pounds” that everyone knows about being on TV. I’m going to prove to you that standing is better. Oh, you’ll stand. Besides, standing is healthier – heck you should be standing while reading this.
I’ll also tell you about a tactic I used on my students – it’s one my radio program directors used on me when I was a young DJ’s back in the day. It works like a charm.
Haven’t you heard yet? Sitting is the new smoking. Slumped shoulders, back pain, leg cramps, obesity, disease … should I stop now? We do enough sitting all day. Get up and get moving. Yes this goes for working too. Other studies show better productivity while standing. Translation: you perform better when you stand. This applies to your podcast too.
So gather those boxes and books, prop up your desk, get your kids to balance your laptop on their melon…whatever it takes. Get off your ass and start podcasting better.
*Not responsible for any action taken as a result of an overwhelming desire to burn you chair.
Need a mic stand? Check out my resources page.