Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

Great podcast scripts can flop or flourish – the difference is in the delivery.

And, the secret to a well-delivered script is what you’re looking at when you read.

Yep, how your script looks on the page or screen can dramatically effect your script performance as a podcaster. Even if you only script the top and tail (using my Oreo Cookie method), you still want to deliver that script like a pro.

In this episode of “Just One Tip,” we’re exposing the nitty-gritty of script delivery skills I learned in my 30+ years of broadcasting.

Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, mastering the art of script delivery can make a world of difference in engaging your audience and driving results for your business.

Working That Script Like a Pro

So, you’ve got your script ready to roll, but now what? It’s time to work that script like a pro! Spoiler – pros do not have a single block of text without any indication of how it should be delivered or made to sound more like them.

Write It How You Speak

First things first, ditch the formalities and write your script how you speak. Forget about fancy college-level writing skills – we’re all about authenticity here! Embrace dropped g’s, contractions, and misspellings to capture your natural speaking style. Ya know what I’m sayin’? You wanna write it like ya say it – don’t try to be fancy!

Punctuation: Your Secret Weapon

Punctuation isn’t just for grammar nerds – it’s your secret weapon for delivering a killer performance. Add extra commas, slashes, colons, and exclamation points to guide your delivery and keep your audience hooked. Anything that will catch your eyes and remind you to … take,,, your___ time! // This is critical for a GOOD read. Use whatever looks good to you!

Break It Up!

Say goodbye to chunky paragraphs and hello to readability! Break up your script into bite-sized chunks to make it easier to digest and deliver.

Numbers and Punctuation

Write out numbers and punctuations to avoid tripping up during your delivery. For example, you wouldn’t write 1203, you’d write twelve hundred and three. And don’t forget to spell out punctuation that’s meant to be spoken – it’s a simple trick to keep your flow smooth and effortless. For example, on my scripts it’s not ‘visit podcastperformancecoach.com’ It’s visit ‘podcast performance coach dot com’. And for the love of Pod, please stop saying double you double you double you before your website address – it’s 2024 — we know it’s on the World Wide Web!

Mark It Up

Grab a pen and get ready to mark the sh*t out of your script! This is my preferred method as it takes me back to my early, early days of broadcasting when we would rip the script off the newswire printer and have to doctor it up so it didn’t sound stiff. Give it a try! Underline important words, add exclamation points, arrows, circles – whatever helps you deliver your message with passion and conviction.

Digital Marking

Can’t print your script (or prefer to save the trees)? No problem! Use digital tools like bolding, italics, and emojis to mark up your script and enhance your delivery. I do this most of the time now, but in my head, I’m still seeing those Sharpie mark-ups.

Restart and Repeat

Another powerful tip (that I shared in episode 133) will help you have a more consistent delivery from top to bottom. Here’s what you do: After recording the full script, swing right back to the beginning and restart your read without stopping. It’s a surefire way to warm up and get into your flow for a flawless performance that sounds just is good out of the gate as it does on the CTA at the end.

Ready to Take Your Podcast to the Next Level?

I challenge you to implement at least one of these tips in your next episode recording. And when you do, let me know!


Want more or to hear what this sounds like?

Click play to hear the full episode. And if you’re ready to elevate your podcasting game and turn your podcast into a marketing machine, book your free podcast coaching call today!



Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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