Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a successful podcaster?

Like, if you were nominated for a podcast award like the Ambies, or Webbies would that make you a successful podcaster?

I ask not just because a show I edit and produce was nominated, but because it reminded me how little this should mean to most entrepreneurs who are podcasting for their business.

Shocked – good, this is the episode for you!

The truth is that success in podcasting is as unique as each podcaster themselves. You need your own barometer of success and I break it all down for you in this episode.

Chasing the Podcast Downloads?

I can’t tell you how many of the podcasters I meet (through my free coaching call offer) tell me their #1 goal is to have huge downloads – to grow their audience (and sometimes when they’re honest – to be the next Joe Rogan). Having a podcast with millions of downloads may seem like the ultimate goal but let’s pump the brakes for a moment and reevaluate our definition of success. As entrepreneurs, podcasting isn’t just about chasing numbers; it’s about leveraging our platform to achieve our business goals.

The Recipe for Podcast Success: Quality over Quantity

I want you to think about preparing a delicious meal. While taste is important, what truly matters is nourishing your body with the right nutrients. And, getting out of that hangry death spiral. Tasting good is nice but it’s not the real point.

Similarly, your podcast shouldn’t be about serving up empty calories in the form of inflated download numbers. You want something that is going to serve a real purpose in your business – cure you of that hunger for leads and nourish your potential client relationships.

Defining Podcast Success on Your Terms

As entrepreneurs, success looks different for each of us. Whether you’re a speaker, coach, consultant, or a brand, your podcast should align with your business objectives. It’s probably about attracting quality leads, building authority, and driving sales – not about winning a popularity contest.

Aim for Creating Your Own Success Story

Let’s take a moment to spotlight what success might look like for different businesses.

Speakers with a podcast that attracts the right listeners might secure more offers to speak and even higher fees. They don’t need millions of downloads to do that.

Brands or online stores could define podcast success based on how much traffic the show is driving to their websites. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the impact.

I Don’t Have Big Numbers…

Reflecting on my own podcasting journey, I’ve come to realize that success isn’t measured by download numbers alone. I’ve been podcasting for almost 8 years. I measure the success of my show by how good my SEO is for my website (check my search rank for ‘podcast coach’). I also measure it by the number of qualified podcasters get on my calendar – because each one is a potential client and, I don’t mind telling you, I get several leads a week this way. It’s all because of this podcast (that doesn’t have huge downloads). For me, success in podcasting is all about building authority, boosting search rankings, and attracting ideal clients. It’s about creating meaningful connections and making a lasting impact in the podcasting community.

Get Your Podcast Success Metrics Right

Are you rethinking your definition of success in podcasting? Need some help getting clear on that so you can build a show that will drive you to your goals instead of taking up your precious time? I’m here to help. Let’s chat about your goals, your vision, and how we can turn your podcasting dreams into reality.

It Was an Honor to be Nominated

I hope that after listening to this episode, you can better answer the question ‘Does getting a podcast award nomination make you a successful podcaster?’ You need to know that every podcaster has a different answer to that question.

For my client, Jayna Marie, who did get that nomination – the answer was ‘I’m on my way…’ but you have to keep in mind that she is podcasting AS a business not for her business. If you don’t know the difference, listen to episode 75.

And if you’re curious about what it takes for an independent podcaster to end up being nominated alongside podcasts created by CNN, The Boston Globe, and NPR, check out Episode 99 of Big Lash Energy.

Remember, success isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s about defining your own path and owning your journey. It’s about deciding why you’re podcasting and what your goals are so you can decide what podcast success looks like for you.

Need some help figuring this all out? This is what I do for entrepreneurs with a podcast. It all starts with a free coaching call. Click here to get on my calendar.


Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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Pre-Record Checklist for Podcasting

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You'll also get access to a few other resources my clients use. Including my PERFORMANCE POSTERS. Plus my tipsletter with even more tools to improve your podcast performance. 


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Almost there. Where can I send your share poster?

You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


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You'll also get my tipsletter with even more tools to make your podcast engaging.