Niche Down to Boost Listener Loyalty and Connection
Niching your podcast to increase your impact is no longer a secret strategy. But, have you ever considered going local as a way to niche down?
Forget the world wide web – get traction where you live by creating a podcast that has a distinct place in the world. I know, I know. Exiting the global stage to shine on a smaller local stage seems like the opposite of growth. But, it does work.
Let me give you an example. Take a real estate agent with a podcast. This agent could talk all about negotiating a deal, what to look for in a house, or what fixes to make before listing. These are all universally valuable insights that anyone in the world (or at least their country) could benefit from. And, if the podcaster is any good, they might attract a large audience.
And, how is that going to impact business? Is that large audience going to choose the famous podcaster as their listing agent? Not if they live on the other side of the country!
Now, flip that around and go small — go local. Now the real estate agent is talking about specific neighborhoods, trends in growing communities, or new roads that might impact the appeal of a specific area. Not super interesting for a listener on the other side of the country but invaluable to the local listener. Guess who they’re going with when it comes time to pick a real estate agent.
So, this example of going local is pretty obvious. If you’re swimming in a small pond, you may as well podcast to a small pond.
But, what if you’re swimming in a big pond. In other words, what if your podcast topic has no geographical boundaries. What if you’re a weight loss coach or a digital marketing expert… there’s no reason to limit yourself to a local pond, right?
Wrong. There are still benefits to going local.
Those two examples are two of the largest, most crowded ponds. So, if you’re swimming around in a podcast pond like that, how are you going to stand out and attract loyal listeners? One way is to help them find a connection with you… and one of the easiest ways to make a connection?
You guessed it, where you’re from.
Your location can be your shared experience. You hike the same mountain trails, walk your dog in the same parks, get stuck in the same traffic or rave about the same best-taco-truck-in-town. Now they have a reason to listen to you instead of the 1000s of other podcasters in your niche.
And, there is one more big perk. Local coverage.
When you have a podcast that is clearly identified as being in a location (vs the generic ‘virtual and global’) you are far more likely to be able to get media attention.
Do not discount the value of this. I recently saw a post online from a new podcaster celebrating a significant number of downloads right after launch. Everyone was all over him wondering what his secret sauce was. I took a quick look at his profile and saw the evidence right there… local coverage. His podcast had been featured in the local news. He was getting numbers bigger, more global podcasts hadn’t hit in a year all because he’d focused locally.
So, going global might make you feel bigger, but staying local will give you more impact. Something you can leverage into more loyal listeners and a more effective podcast.
Need some help niching your podcast to just the right size? Book your free 15-minute coaching call with me right now. Click here to access my calendar.
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