Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

You’ve probably heard of a producer. And, you probably know that there are a lot of different types of producers – especially in the world of media. You have an executive producer, a line producer, a technical producer, an associate producer… the list goes on. 

But, have you heard of a podcast producer? In this episode, I explain what a podcast producer does and if you might need one for your podcast. 

The first thing we need to clear up is the job of a podcast producer. I could be a real ass here and say ‘a podcast producer produces the podcast!’ but I won’t. 

There are actually a lot of ways to describe a podcast producer and, it should be noted, that not all podcast producers do the same things. It really depends on the style of podcast they are working on. 

For example, a podcast producer working on an NPR style show is going to be doing something very different from a producer who is helping an entrepreneur create a show that serves to increase their authority and sales. 

So, for the sake of simplicity (too late, Wohlberg!) let’s say a podcast producer is responsible for the consistency and flow of the show in the general sense and on an individual episode basis. 

The producer is going to be responsible for choosing a good topic, finding the right guest, screening that guest and making sure that the host has all the information they need.

They make sure the content or interview flows smoothly and serves the purpose that was intended when the producer booked the guest or picked the topic. They’ll also likely make sure that the show sounds good, that all of the promotional elements are in place (which may include coordinating with the people writing show notes, emails, and social media posts about the episode). They are the glue that holds it all together. 


IMPORTANT NOTE: This seems like a good time to point out that an editor is not a producer and a podcast coach is not a producer. Your coach may help you develop your show or improve your show, they are not going to be responsible for the creation of each and every show. (For more on a coach’s role, check out Episode 140 – What’s a Podcast Coach)


In some cases, a producer is part of the team that a production house will provide to a podcaster. This is a service that some podcasters like because everything is handled by one company and most of the people are in-house (or at least in the loop). The producer is the one that coordinates everything.

Okay, now that we’re clear on what a podcast producer is and is not… the big question is, do you really need a podcast producer? 

A lot of podcasters start out on this journey alone which means they are doing everything themselves. If this is you, remember to put the producer hat on once in a while. That means, stepping back, looking at the big picture and possibly adjusting your plan. 

If that’s not happening and the little things are starting to fall through the cracks, you may want to consider outsourcing a podcast producer – especially if you are podcasting to grow your authority and build your personal brand or business. 

Speaking of business, let’s look at the ROI of a producer. 

You’ll have a positive ROI if that producer is going to significantly increase your listenership by picking better topics, bringing in better guests, preparing those guests, and arming them with promotional material to help spread the word. You’ll also have a positive ROI if the producer helps to ensure that your show serves your listener and contributes to listeners becoming customers. These can be tricky things to measure but they are worth considering. 

Here’s one more consideration, and it’s the big one. Will having a podcast producer free up your time so that you can focus on income generating tasks or selling more widgets?  Consider that in your ROI equation. 

Could You Be Earning More From Your Podcast?

Ultimately, you should hire a podcast producer if the time you spend coordinating your podcast  is eating into your ability to make more money or scale your business.

Hiring a producer can take your podcast to the next level and help it fulfill its intention to boost your authority and convert with ease. 

Want to know what I think of your show? I’m not a producer but I can help you determine if you need one. Book a free 15-minute coaching call

Listen to more 5-minute episodes, explore my resources and check out my coaching packages at https://podcastperformancecoach.com/

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Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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