Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

Ever wondered how to turn your podcast from ‘meh’ to ‘mind-blowing’? Well, have I got a story for you…

There are only a few things that we do that our caveman ancestors also did. And there’s one important Caveman activity that you should be doing in your podcast. No, it’s not dragging your listeners back to the cave by their hair!

It’s to tell stories! Why? Because in the vast sea of podcasts, stories will set you apart. It’s not just about the information; it’s about the connection you build with your audience. And stories are a fantastic way to do that.

There is a reason that we have hung on to this ancient tradition and that’s because telling stories is a key way to engage and entertain as well as teach an audience. Isn’t that what we’re trying to do here? In fact, there’s a whole bunch of science behind the power of storytelling to deepen connections and make you more memorable – I talked about it in episode 107 so pop into the back library and give that a listen. While you’re digging around in that back library, you might also want to dust off episode 108 where I talk about different types of stories you can use.


In this episode, it’s all about unleashing the power of classic storytelling. No more monotone facts, we want your audience sitting on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting your next syllable.

Luckily, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel because classic story structures still work the best! It has 5 parts.

Here are the 5 parts of a story:

1.Set the Stage

Start your story by describing the setting. Take your listener to the scene of the story. Paint a picture of where it all happened and what the vibe was all about. Create an atmosphere that sets the tone for your story and has your listener instantly invested in hearing more.

2. Create a Connection with the Characters

For a story to be effective, your listener has to care about the main characters. One of them may be you but if there are others, tell us about them and help the listener feel the connection. Here’s a tip – mention something that the character and your audience might have in common to help build that instant connection. This will help them see themselves as part of the journey.

3. Build Tension with Conflict

A great story always has tension, baby! Something is happening in this place to this person you just described. What is the conflict? Why are we hearing about this person? What has them setting out on a journey?

4. Climax

Take your listeners to the crux of the story. The turning point. The climax. The aha moment. This is the sweet spot of the story – tell your listeners how the main character went from being in conflict (or having a problem) to turning the corner and seeing a resolution ahead.

5. Bring it Home, Baby!

This is the end… your story needs to have an outcome or a resolution. Is it a happy ending? Or, if it wasn’t a happy ending, is there a moral of the story or the lesson? This is where you reveal the REASON behind the story and connect it to you, your business, your offer, or something to do with what you do.

So these are the key parts: Setting, characters, conflict, climax, and resolution.


Here’s a bonus part – well it’s more like what you should be sprinkling all over your story-parts and that is some emotion and energy. If you want all of the parts of your story to come together and come alive, add a little pizzazz. Think about your pacing, use the power of the pause, and build drama by adjusting your volume or by moving closer or further away from your mic. Surprise your listeners, add some flair, and make your stories memorable.

Develop your own style because how you tell the story is as important as the parts. I hope that’s just the tip you need.

If you want more than a few quick tips on turning your podcast into a must-listen for your ideal clients, then check out my Podcast Tune-up program. We’ll work together to make your podcast a marketing machine. Click here to grab your free 15-minute coaching session.

More Storytelling Episodes:


Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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