Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

Why You Need to Tap into the Purpose of Your Podcasting Efforts

As a podcast coach, I’ve met with hundreds of podcasters through my free 15-minute coaching sessions. Hundreds. There’s one question I always seem to be asking. And, for some reason, this question often stumps the podcasters I’m talking to. It doesn’t matter if they’re at the planning stage or if they are 300 episodes in, this question has them scratching their heads. 

It’s not that hard of a question and frankly, it should be one of the first questions you ask when you’re creating a podcast for your business… to what end?

Let me back up here. That question makes more sense when I tell you that it is the second question I ask. 

Here’s how 90% of my conversations go. 


  • Me: What’s your goal with your podcast?
  • Podcaster: To get more downloads.
  • Me: To what end? As in, why do you want more downloads? How is more downloads going to help you reach your business goals? 

And, they’re stumped. 


The Most Important Question for your Podcast Success

In this episode, I’m asking you this same question so that you can get clearer on the podcast goals that really matter. 

I can hear you already. But downloads do matter, coach Tim!

To some extent yes, but only in relation to bigger, more business-building goals like more website traffic, more leads, and more sales. 

These things don’t always come from massive downloads. 

The download is just the first step. 

Surely you don’t want them to just download. Downloads don’t even mean listens. How many unlistened-to-podcasts do you have sitting in your library right now? 

So, focusing your goals on downloads is like a store fixating on how many people see their sign. Or, a pizza joint setting a goal around how many people smell their pizza baking. Sure, it might lead to someone coming in and making a purchase, but if the goal ends at seeing the sign or smelling the pizza, you are 100% measuring the wrong metric! 


The Podcast Dream is Broken

And I get it. As a podcaster, you’ve been programmed to believe it’s all about the downloads. You’ve seen other podcasters brag about their downloads, you’ve watched countless youtube videos go on and on about downloads, and maybe you’ve even felt that surge of pride when you hit a milestone of downloads. 

But, that’s just it – besides boosting your ego, what are those downloads really doing for you? 


To. What. End? 


This is the question I want you to ask yourself. And then, set better podcast goals. 

I’ll let you in on a little secret – these new goals will change the way you create your podcast. It will change the success of your podcast. It will turn your podcast into a marketing machine for your business. 


Proof for the Skeptical 

Don’t believe me? Book a call with me and we’ll do it together. It’s a free 15-minute coaching call that will completely change how you approach podcasting for your business. 

In fact, one listener who took me up on my offer sent me this email after our call: “My head is spinning. I feel like I’ve been focusing so much on having a pretty dress that I forgot to learn how to dance. How embarrassing! I’m ready to learn how to dance now – thank you, Tim!”

Thanks to Jess for sharing her experience. And yes, I did ask her ‘to what end?’ and yes, it did change her whole perspective and approach. 

So, what do you say? Do you want to dance? Book your call and let’s get you focusing on the right goals for your podcast so it can help you become an authority in your space and get you more leads and sales. 

Book your FREE 15-Minute Podcast Coaching Call



Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


Pre-Record Checklist for Podcasting

Almost there. Where can I send access to the checklist?

You'll also get access to a few other resources my clients use. Including my PERFORMANCE POSTERS. Plus my tipsletter with even more tools to improve your podcast performance. 


sharing is caring

Almost there. Where can I send your share poster?

You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


Almost there. Where can I send your access to the blueprint?

You'll also get my tipsletter with even more tools to make your podcast engaging.