Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

In the past few years, starting a podcast has never been easier. That’s a problem. You say, starting a podcast may be easy but sounding good, well, that takes a bit more effort. 

And so, we now have a giant steaming pile of crap sounding podcasts. Is yours one of them? More importantly, is your ‘it’s so easy to start’ podcast hurting your brand because you haven’t learned how to actually use that equipment you use to abuse to cobble together your show? 

Okay, okay. I’ll take it easy on you. Good on you for going for it and getting your show out there. Now, let’s fix it before it does some real damage to your reputation and brand! I mean, do you really think someone is going to want to work with you after you assault their eardrums? 

Oh, right. Be nice. Okay. How about this? How about if I share my top 5 tech tips to help you sound like the authority you want to be? 

Is Tech Overwhelm Keeping You From Having (or Starting) a Great Sounding Podcast?

Top 5 Best Tech Tips for Podcasting


1. Get a Microphone and Headphones.

You’re not a podcaster if you don’t have a microphone. I said it. It’s the one and only piece of equipment you need to have to be a podcaster. If you want to be taken seriously, I’d also be getting the proper pop screen or wind sock to go along with it to reduce your plosives, a proper mic stand so you’re not handholding your mic, maybe that looks like a boom arm and you also want a decent set of headphones. Not earbuds. Wired headphones you can put over your ears so you can hear the REAL quality of your show. The background noise, your lip smacking, your guest’s dog breathing on their lap (this is a real thing I heard on a podcast once!). Want some advice on equipment? Pop over to my resources page for what I recommend. 


2. Learn Good Mic Technique

Expensive microphones don’t fix poor technique. Production rule #1 — shit in is shit out. So, now that you’ve got a mic, you need to know how to use that microphone. I see so many podcasters on YouTube using their mics wrong. They’re literally talking into the wrong part of the mic. You can sound incredible with a $100 mic that you use properly with good mic technique and an ideal environment. Your hollow, thin, echoey audio is not your mic’s fault. You may just need to make a few adjustments in how and where you record. 


3. Use the Right Software (and Practice)

If it’s just you and you want a free editing program I suggest using Audacity. It likely has more tools than you’ll ever use if you’ve got clean audio going into it. Remember, you will get better at editing if you stick with and continue to use whatever software you pick. If you interview people on your show, you have a few options (pop over to my resources page to see the recording platforms I recommend). If you’re still using Zoom consider upgrading. There are way better options that provide studio-like audio quality. And the great thing about these platforms is that you have the video option too. It’s nice to be able to see your guest for a more personal conversation and you can also grab a short video clip for an episode promo. Which reminds me, check out my Top 5 Podcast Marketing Tips too.


4. Get Professional Help

You’re a smart cookie. You can figure all of this out… but should you? So often entrepreneurs get caught up in learning everything that they lose track of how much time they are stealing away from their business, clients, or family. Yes, one of my top 5 tips for better tech is to hire someone who already knows what they’re doing. You can hire an editor, a producer, or even someone to help out with the promotion of your show. You will still have to master tips #1 and #2, but life will get a lot better (and your show will sound a lot better) if you back away slowly from the rest. 



For the love of Sam. Test. Test your audio, and test your guest’s audio. It takes less than 60 seconds and you could save a whole lot of grief. Let me paint a picture for you – you have an incredible interview with someone who was really hard to secure for your podcast and listen back only to discover that you both sound like you’re talking from the hull of a ship. Everyone’s done it. So what do you do? Reschedule? Guests might not like that, so you don’t even ask. Lie and tell them you lost the recording – covering the fact that you had the wrong settings. Or, *grimace* you just publish this crappy audio and embarrass yourself, piss off your guest, and lose your audience. 

Here’s a better picture: Just hit record, say or ask your guest what they have for breakfast and press stop. Download or save the tracks and listen to it. Are you both on mic? Is it celan? Test complete. Everyone wins. 


The audio quality of your show speaks volumes about the quality of your brand and your business. Raise the bar, because good enough doesn’t cut it anymore.


Want to know if it’s not cutting it? Book a free 15-minute coaching call with me and I’ll put your show through the ringer. Let’s click around on some of your episodes to see if we can improve anything. Your audio, your guest’s audio, the mix, editing… this is playtime for me, I love doing it. Don’t deprive me of this!!  Book your Free 15-minute coaching call.


Listen to more 5-minute episodes, explore my resources and check out my coaching packages at https://podcastperformancecoach.com/


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Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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Pre-Record Checklist for Podcasting

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You'll also get access to a few other resources my clients use. Including my PERFORMANCE POSTERS. Plus my tipsletter with even more tools to improve your podcast performance. 


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Almost there. Where can I send your share poster?

You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


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You'll also get my tipsletter with even more tools to make your podcast engaging.