Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

What are podcast show notes and why do you need them?

Are you phoning it in when it comes to your show notes? Stop!

Don’t underestimate the value of podcast show notes. They’re not just something you ‘have’ to fill in when you upload! 

If you’ve ever listened to my show before then you know that I’m a HUGE proponent for serving your listener. And, hellur, show notes are all about serving your listener. 

But, ahem, don’t tell anyone, they also serve you and your business – if you do them right. 


What are Show Notes? 

A lot of people think of show notes as that paragraph that you pop into the ‘description’ field when you upload your show. This is short-sighted. Show notes should be a comprehensive outline of what the listener will hear in each episode and they should be jam-packed with great information. 

Think of them as a blog about the episode that (in addition to being in your description) lives on your website (along with a podcast player). They should be at least 500 words and, if they’re done right, they can really help your show get found and appreciated. 


How do Show Notes Help Your Podcast?

There are a few ways that they help you grow your podcast and your reach. 

  • Value to the Listener  

First, they show your audience that you care enough about the information you’re providing that you actually put some effort into sharing that information. 

  • Improve your Website’s SEO  

There is a lot to having good search engine optimization but one of the keys is to have quality content that is posted consistently to your website (that search engines can actually find and catalog). Just having the audio on your website, is not going to accomplish this but having good show notes for each episode will. Good SEO is going to increase the chances of your podcast (and your website) getting found when people are searching your subject matter. 

  • Drive Traffic  

If you are podcasting for your business, then one of the key goals of your podcast is likely to get people visiting your website. Here, they will find links in your show notes that allow them to consume more of your website’s content, follow links to your products or offer, or contact you. Sweet. 

Want to know How to Write Good Podcast Notes? 

The first rule is to create show notes that you would want to read. Think about how they look (nobody wants to stare at long blocks of text). Consider including bullet points, graphs or images (especially if you mentioned it in your show!) Here are few other things to include: 

  • A breakdown or summary of the show is a must. Make sure you include the info that they get if they listen. Some people worry that including everything in their show notes will mean nobody listens – who cares! If they’re getting the info they’re looking for, you’re still the hero!  
  • Transcripts are an option in show notes. This is the text version of exactly what is said in the podcast. You can also include timestamps so that people can listen in to exactly what was said or they can easily find the section of the transcript they are looking for.  
  • Check your language. Good show notes will mimic the tone of the show itself – you want your personality to come out in the notes! Make sure to also include keywords, questions or statements that might be similar to what your ideal listener would use if they were searching for an answer. BUT, don’t keyword stuff (aka overdo it with keywords) – the platforms will dump you and the search engines may penalize you.  
  • Links, baby! One of the most important parts of serving your listener through show notes is to give them the links they came looking for. Include links to resources you mention, your guest, and related podcast episodes. Don’t forget to link to other pages on your site so they know you’ve got more good stuff to check out.  

If you do all of this, you will definitely be serving your listener better and you likely see the rewards in terms of improved organic search, boosted know-like-and-trust factor with your audience, and increased sales. 

So, don’t underestimate those podcast show notes… they might just be the last step in making your podcast a powerful marketing tool for your business. 

Speaking of taking the next step – if you’re serious about turning your podcast into a powerful marketing tool for your business, you should definitely hit me up for a free 15-minute coaching call. What do you have to lose? Check out my calendar and book a chat right away.

How to Start a Podcast for Your Business

Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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