You’ve heard it before. Hopefully on someone else’s podcast…
The host boots around the guest intro so bad that the guest either has to awkwardly say something about it. Or, there needs to be a whole conversation about it – “Did I say your name right?…”
This is not a good way to start your podcast. This is not how you take care of your listener… or your guest.
You want to come out of the gate strong. You want to be concise and clear. You want your listeners and your guest to know that you’ve got it all taken care of.
So, how do you do that? How do you nail your guest intro every time?
The Secret Trick for Sounding Great Coming In and Out of Every Podcast
Simple, save the start until the end.
Say what?!?
Okay, if you interview guests on your podcast, think of your show as having 3 parts.
There’s a TOP and a TAIL or a beginning and an end.
And in the middle, is the BODY. Or, the interview.
The TOP of your episode might include your tease, your show intro, your hook, and your guest intro.
The TAIL includes the takeaways, your call to action, and your signoff.
The BODY is your interview which does not have to start with the TOP.
Stay with me here… you do not have to record the beginning at the beginning of the interview.
You can JUST record the interview.
And then, later you record the TOP and TAIL.
This will make your intro and extro or top and tail even better.
Because you’ll know more about the interview once it’s done and you’ll be able to tee it up better and wrap it up and put a bow on it at the end better.
Only after you’ve done your interview do you have all the information to frame and position your episode to make it listener-centric.
Recording your top and tail as part of the interview makes the episode about your guest.
Crafting it after you’ve talked to your guest let’s you reframe it, making it about your listener.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not suggesting that you wing it and then fix it by adding a top and tail so that nobody notices how messy the middle is.
You’re still going to do your research, plan your outline, come up with your questions and record the interview, but immediately after you’ve recorded your guest is when you plan out your top and tail.
TIP: Do it while it’s fresh.
Ask yourself:
- What were the big takeaways?
- What problem did you solve?
- What resources or tools do you have to offer your listener?
Now you have context and you can bake that into the top and tail.
Crafting your TOP & TAIL after the interview will help you reinforce the value of your episode. Which will make each episode of your podcast better listening and you’ll sound more like a pro (and build that authority with ease).
Isn’t that what it’s all about?
And the bonus, you’re not wasting your guest’s time while you’re trying to get over the performance anxiety of getting their name right or lamely reading their bio from their website.
Oh, and you can cut out any of the crappy early stuff in the interview and bring your listener in right when the gold starts flowing.
I have so many clients that use this method now and they all agree that it’s easier, better for the listener and gives them so much more flexibility this way! And, it gives them the opportunity to record a compelling show intro (#34) and the perfect guest intro (#40) even if they don’t want to script the entire show (#10) .
Listen to this episode (#148) for tips on how to jump right into the interview by crafting your top and tail after the interview.
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I recently had a free coaching call with a podcaster named Jono and he said it was the best 15 minutes of his day because I answered his questions, gave him a strategy to follow and even helped him rethink his way of thinking around his podcast so he could make it stronger.
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