Podcasting is easy. Just grab a mic and go. Lots of people are making tons of money podcasting. These are lies. Or at best, half truths. In this episode, I get real with you about some of the harmful industry lies being told to podcasters. But don’t worry, it won’t...
Do you spend hours in conversation with your guests just to get one juicy story out of your guests? Have you ever wondered how talk show hosts and professional podcasters manage to get the best stories out of their guests in such a short time? It’s not magic. It’s...
Sometimes I listen to a podcast and I can almost see the questions the podcast interviewer is asking. I picture them clutching to these questions like it’s a floating door next to the almost sunk Titanic. Somewhere, someone in the podcasting world told people to...
Where do you put your promo? Are you asking for something right out of the gate? Do you like to sneak it in the middle? Or are you closing with your CTA? There are a lot of opinions about the best placement of your call to action and in this episode, I’m going to...
One of the best parts of what I do is getting to meet so many podcasters. I love it when they bring their problem podcast or podcast dreams to me. And, with hundreds of coaching meetings under my belt, I can see the patterns. Every podcaster or would-be podcaster is...
The Podcast Lesson I Learned from a Burly, Tattooed Biker You’re out there minding your own business when suddenly you come face to face with rather large, tatted up biker who forces you to see things a different way. This literally happened to me in my twenties on...
Do you ever feel like you are running out of things to talk about in your podcast? You are not alone. I hear this challenge from a lot of podcasters. The good news is that there’s gold hiding in your past episodes! I’ve talked before about how to use past topics to...
You’ve heard it before. Hopefully on someone else’s podcast… The host boots around the guest intro so bad that the guest either has to awkwardly say something about it. Or, there needs to be a whole conversation about it – “Did I say your name right?…” ...
You Can’t Serve Your Listener with Crappy Podcast Content Do you want a podcast that is so great your listeners can’t wait for the next episode to drop? And do you also want that podcast to help your listeners see you as an authority and be dying to work with you or...
You’ve probably heard of a producer. And, you probably know that there are a lot of different types of producers – especially in the world of media. You have an executive producer, a line producer, a technical producer, an associate producer… the list goes on. ...
Hello, I’m a podcast coach. A what? A Podcast Coach. Well, what the hell is a podcast coach? This conversation doesn’t happen as much now as it used to but that doesn’t mean people aren’t wondering about it. And if they’re podcasters, they are often also thinking, ‘Do...
Are You Failing Your Podcast Listener by Serving Yourself First? A Big Get. That’s what people in radio call landing an interview with a big name celebrity or a hard to nail-down politician. But, sometimes, that ‘big get’ is all about ego instead of being about...
How to Organize Your Content to Save Your Audience Does your podcast have themes buckets? Breaking News: it needs them! “Uh, Coach, what’s a podcast theme?” So glad you asked, Billy. A podcast theme is where you place the topics of your show....
You may be inadvertently doing a bait and switch Nobody likes to be duped. It’s no fun being let down. Everyone wants to get what they came for. So, are you disappointing your listeners by not living up to your own hype? Have you heard the term catfishing? It’s that...
Every Podcaster Dreams of Monetizing. Here’s how to do it if you Have a Business Here’s a newsflash – creating a podcast costs time and often, money. It won’t take long before you start thinking, ‘I need to make some money here…’ If I had a dollar for every time...
What Time Should You Record Your Podcast? Do you ‘bang out’ your podcasts? Don’t be proud of it. It’s not a good thing. Banging out a podcast puts your performance as a podcaster at risk and it does not serve your listener. Remember, your listeners, the whole reason...
How a little planning makes a big difference to your audience We’d won gold at the Music Festival but as we listened to the review of our performance, I was mortified. The memory of that moment still mortifies me to this day. (Click play to hear what almost cost me my...
4 Types of Stories that Help You Connect with Your Listener Are you shoving facts and figures down your listener’s throat? Are you blathering on about yourself and failing to make a connection? Stories to the rescue! In my last episode I explained why...
The scientific and not so scientific benefits of storytelling Gather round the campfire, podcasters, I have an f-bomb laced story for you. Be honest, when you read that sentence, did you actually picture a campfire? Of course you did, you’re human. And, that’s what...
Why THIS Part of your Intro is Critical to Success I don’t want to alarm you, but you might be letting your listeners down. They’re not mad…just disappointed. Promises, promises, promises. Your podcast should be built on them. Or, rather on one in particular....
Don’t let your show get derailed by COVID-19 I know it’s hard NOT to talk about the Coronavirus. I know it may even seem weird to do a podcast during a global pandemic without it being about this crisis. But, I think we can all agree – there are enough people...
Take this Challenge to Improve Your Podcast Interview Skills Hands up if you start your podcast with a question like, ‘How did you get started?’ You, with your hand up, this one’s for you. There are many variations of this lazy first question but the main similarity...
Here’s the best way to start a podcast interview. You’ve heard me say it before. You have seconds, SECONDS, to grab the listener’s attention. Don’t squander it with a boring first question. Picture it. A new listener has found your show. They made it through...
Incorporate the Tried and True ‘Streeters’ Interview to Inject Life into Your Podcast This tactic has been used by radio and television for decades to make a story more relevant and compelling. Should you be using it in your podcast too? I love talking to...
Breakup with a crappy podcast guest like a pro It happens to the best of us. Even the pros have bad interviews. Or, rather bad guests. So, what do you do when your podcast guest is crappy, drunk, an ass, incoherent or just pointless? You kill the interview. In this...
How Your Podcast May Be Pissing Me (and Your Listeners) Off You’ve got maybe a minute to convince a listener to keep listening. This is not a newsflash. But, do you know what three things are likely to stop them in their podcast enjoyment tracks and exit out before...
Ignore the release date. That’s the point. Did you happen to notice the date this podcast was released? I’ll give you a hint – it was Christmas Day, 2018. (I suck at hints) So, you might think it’s perfectly natural for me me wish you a happy holidays on...
Why iTunes (Apple Podcasts) killed my podcast My podcast disappeared from iTunes. Poof. Gone. No warning. Just gone. Can you imagine if every episode you ever painstakingly created just … vanished. That feeling in your chest right now is pretty much how I felt when I...
Is it time to take a break, change it up, or kill it? Come up with another topic. Line up a guest. Make sure they know what they’re talking about. Schedule a time to record. Do some more research. Reschedule the recording session. Record an episode. Troubleshoot...
Best Practices for a Pre-Interview Confession time. Are you a podcast cowboy who just wings it with every guest? Is every interview you do the podcast equivalent of a blind date. Not cool. I don’t care if you can pull it off nine times out of ten. By taking that...
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