210 3 Ways to Give Your Podcast a Refresh (without Pivoting)

210 3 Ways to Give Your Podcast a Refresh (without Pivoting)

Is Your Podcast Feeling a Little Stale? Has your podcast lost its luster? Here are 3 ways to breathe new life into your podcast without blowing up the entire thing.   1. Perform Maintenance on Key Communication Pieces First, let’s tackle the core elements...
206 Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?

206 Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a successful podcaster? Like, if you were nominated for a podcast award like the Ambies, or Webbies would that make you a successful podcaster? I ask not just because a show I edit and produce was nominated, but because...
200 What Are Successful Podcasters Doing to Win at Podcasting?

200 What Are Successful Podcasters Doing to Win at Podcasting?

I’m taking a moment to celebrate a special milestone – our 200th episode! It’s been an incredible 7-year journey, and I want to share some valuable insights from this experience that can help you turn your podcast into a marketing machine for your...
199 Unlocking Podcast ROI: The Power of Dynamic Ads

199 Unlocking Podcast ROI: The Power of Dynamic Ads

For the longest time, I’ve been advising against running ads in your podcast. Why? Because your show is the ad! It’s all about building that know-like-and-trust with your audience to convert them effortlessly. But hey, you clicked on this episode to find...
196 How to Benefit the Most from Podcast Guest Exchanges

196 How to Benefit the Most from Podcast Guest Exchanges

Wanna Podcast Guest Swap! You’ve heard of a podcast guest exchange, right? Sounds like a great idea – but there are a lot of ways it can go wrong. In this episode, I lay out all the basics so you can benefit from great guest exchanges and avoid...
190 Should You Start A Podcast for Your Personal Brand?

190 Should You Start A Podcast for Your Personal Brand?

If you’re a personal brand, and you haven’t yet ventured into the world of podcasting, this episode is tailor-made for you. But hold on, if you’ve already got a podcast, guess what? This episode is just as relevant for you. Basically, if you’re...
186 Email Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Podcast ROI

186 Email Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Podcast ROI

Your podcast on it’s own is not a marketing plan – it’s a piece of the plan. In this episode, I share another piece of the plan that not only improves your podcast ROI it can also improve your podcast. It’s email. Why Email Marketing is Your...
183 The Top Reasons You Should Get Your Podcast on YouTube (Now!)

183 The Top Reasons You Should Get Your Podcast on YouTube (Now!)

Your Podcast Needs to be on Youtube Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Coach, I already have my podcast on iTunes and Spotify. Why do I need to bother with YouTube?” And to that I have a counter question, why would you limit yourself? You want...
179 Stuck in a Podcast Rut? Here’s How One Client Got Out

179 Stuck in a Podcast Rut? Here’s How One Client Got Out

So, you’re cruising along with your podcast. It’s growing slowly but steadily. And then suddenly, it stops. You’re not losing listeners but you’re not gaining them either. You’re in a podcast rut.  The good news is that lots of podcasters deal with this. It’s...
177 The Most Important Question to Ask About Your Podcast Goals

177 The Most Important Question to Ask About Your Podcast Goals

Why You Need to Tap into the Purpose of Your Podcasting Efforts As a podcast coach, I’ve met with hundreds of podcasters through my free 15-minute coaching sessions. Hundreds. There’s one question I always seem to be asking. And, for some reason, this question often...
This Podcast Episode is 100% AI-Generated. Does it Suck?

This Podcast Episode is 100% AI-Generated. Does it Suck?

The AI Takeover of Podcasting: The Robo-pocalypse This is how I generated it. I used: https://chat.openai.com/ .  Free to use (at the time of this episode). PROMPT Write a podcast script for an ai generated voice about how podcasts can be 100% ai created and nobody...
173 How to Make Money from Podcasting

173 How to Make Money from Podcasting

Discover Your Podcast Path to Profits I’ve met my fair share of podcasters with dollar signs in their eyes. And fair enough – podcasting takes a lot of time and energy … when you do it right. So, why shouldn’t you get paid? Why shouldn’t you want some podcast...
168 The Top 5 Mistakes I Made with My First Podcast

168 The Top 5 Mistakes I Made with My First Podcast

I don’t want to alarm you but, ahem, I do make mistakes. Not many. Like, maybe 5 in my whole life.  But, like all entrepreneurs, I’ve learned from the ones I’ve made so in this episode, I thought I would share the ones I made when I launched my very first podcast...
165 How to be as Successful as Joe Rogan in Podcasting

165 How to be as Successful as Joe Rogan in Podcasting

Want to be the Joe Rogan of Your Niche? Here’s Your Step by Step Plan I talk to a lot of podcasters in my free 15- minute coaching calls and hands down the most common thing I hear from podcasters is that they want Joe Rogan level success in their podcasting niche. ...
161 Case Study: How She Launched and got 30,000 Podcast Downloads

161 Case Study: How She Launched and got 30,000 Podcast Downloads

 Jayna Marie’s Promotion Plan Generated Massive Downloads in the First 30 Days It’s the dream. Launch a podcast and instantly have 30,000 downloads. ‘Huge downloads’ is certainly the most common goal I hear in my free 15-minute coaching calls! The problem is, it’s not...
156 The 5 Mistakes I See Podcasters Make the Most

156 The 5 Mistakes I See Podcasters Make the Most

One of the best parts of what I do is getting to meet so many podcasters. I love it when they bring their problem podcast or podcast dreams to me.  And, with hundreds of coaching meetings under my belt, I can see the patterns. Every podcaster or would-be podcaster is...
155 The Simple Paradigm Shift that Could Save Your Podcast

155 The Simple Paradigm Shift that Could Save Your Podcast

The Podcast Lesson I Learned from a Burly, Tattooed Biker  You’re out there minding your own business when suddenly you come face to face with rather large, tatted up biker who forces you to see things a different way.  This literally happened to me in my twenties on...
153 Want a Podcast with Long Term Impact?

153 Want a Podcast with Long Term Impact?

Do you ever feel like you’re talking into a great empty void? Like your podcast is out there floating around and nobody is listening?    It can be so demoralizing!   In this week’s episode, I share a blast from the past to help you see that what you’re...
152 Want to Have a #1 Podcast? It’s Easy!

152 Want to Have a #1 Podcast? It’s Easy!

Don’t Fall Prey to the Lure of False Metrics Who doesn’t want to have the number one podcast? Pretty much every podcaster, right? That’s why marketers keep promising it to you. But, you shouldn’t bite.  I’ve been seeing a lot of ads lately offering you up a guaranteed...
150 The 5 Key Pieces of a Powerful Podcast Description

150 The 5 Key Pieces of a Powerful Podcast Description

Is Your Podcast Description Helping or Hurting? Here’s How to Fix It. Remember way back when you started your podcast and you wrote your description. That was a crazy time! You were launching your podcast, everything was new and let’s face it, there was a bit of...
147 How to Make Your Podcast Better in the New Year

147 How to Make Your Podcast Better in the New Year

hat would make your podcast better next year? Here are my top 4 tips on how to reflect to get better results from your podcast.  You want results, right?  Okay, then let’s get into it.  I released this episode right before the end of 2021… but don’t lump me in with...
143 My Top 5 Podcast Marketing Tips to Grow Your Audience

143 My Top 5 Podcast Marketing Tips to Grow Your Audience

So, the whole build it and they will come podcasting approach hasn’t quite panned out. I hate to be the one to break it to you but in a sea of podcasts, you’re going to have to put some signals out if you want to be found.  And that means marketing! It’s one of the...