130 How Upspeak is Compromising your Podcast Authority

130 How Upspeak is Compromising your Podcast Authority

Are you compromising your authority just by how you present your information? You might be if you do this one thing? And I hear a lot of people doing it?  I’m not going to mince words, it drives me crazy? Imagine if every sentence you wrote had a question mark on the...
124 Three Reasons Great Podcasters Want to Have a Pen Handy

124 Three Reasons Great Podcasters Want to Have a Pen Handy

Don’t dismiss the power of the pen as a podcast tool When we talk about tools to make you a better podcaster, you probably think about mics and mixers. Well, there’s one tool you want to have in your tool kit and it’s one that I never podcast without. The mighty pen. ...
123 Want Amazing Interview Skills? Take a Lesson from Larry King

123 Want Amazing Interview Skills? Take a Lesson from Larry King

Be a Better Podcast Interviewer by Learning From a Legend We lost a broadcast legend. Larry King was most known for his 25-year run on CNN hosting Larry King LIVE but podcasters can learn a lot from him – especially if you interview guests on your show.   ...
119 The Interview Technique Every Podcast Needs to Know

119 The Interview Technique Every Podcast Needs to Know

Take Care of Your Podcast Listener with a Timewarp Your interview is too long. I mean, it’s waaaay longer than your normal interviews.    This has happened for one of two reasons: You lost control of your guest and let them run rampant with your show (see episode...
114 Is Your Podcast an Enormous Disappointment to Your Listeners?

114 Is Your Podcast an Enormous Disappointment to Your Listeners?

You may be inadvertently doing a bait and switch Nobody likes to be duped. It’s no fun being let down. Everyone wants to get what they came for. So, are you disappointing your listeners by not living up to your own hype? Have you heard the term catfishing? It’s that...
110 How to Schedule a Better Podcast Performance

110 How to Schedule a Better Podcast Performance

What Time Should You Record Your Podcast? Do you ‘bang out’ your podcasts? Don’t be proud of it. It’s not a good thing.  Banging out a podcast puts your performance as a podcaster at risk and it does not serve your listener. Remember, your listeners, the whole reason...
109 Do You Want a Better Podcast? Don’t Wing It!

109 Do You Want a Better Podcast? Don’t Wing It!

How a little planning makes a big difference to your audience We’d won gold at the Music Festival but as we listened to the review of our performance, I was mortified. The memory of that moment still mortifies me to this day. (Click play to hear what almost cost me my...
105 How Barf Sessions Make You a Better Podcaster

105 How Barf Sessions Make You a Better Podcaster

Don’t miss this critical step in launching your podcast Did you ever test your dance moves using a broom? Make out with a pillow? Tryout your pickup lines in the mirror (finger guns and all)? Rehearsing is a natural way to get ready for big steps in your life. So, why...
091 This One Tip Will Make You a Much Better Interviewer

091 This One Tip Will Make You a Much Better Interviewer

Take this Challenge to Improve Your Podcast Interview Skills Hands up if you start your podcast with a question like, ‘How did you get started?’ You, with your hand up, this one’s for you.  There are many variations of this lazy first question but the main similarity...
086 How to Make Your First Question Count

086 How to Make Your First Question Count

Here’s the best way to start a podcast interview. You’ve heard me say it before. You have seconds, SECONDS, to grab the listener’s attention. Don’t squander it with a boring first question.  Picture it. A new listener has found your show. They made it through...
079 Word on the street is SHUT THE HELL UP!

079 Word on the street is SHUT THE HELL UP!

Are listeners turning off your podcast prematurely? Are you making critical mistakes that cause listeners to run screaming from your show? I hit the streets recently to find out what exactly makes people turn off a podcast. Metta side note: In the last episode of Just...
078 Why and How to Add Man-on-the-Street Interviews

078 Why and How to Add Man-on-the-Street Interviews

Incorporate the Tried and True ‘Streeters’ Interview to Inject Life into Your Podcast This tactic has been used by radio and television for decades to make a story more relevant and compelling. Should you be using it in your podcast too? I love talking to...
076 5 Big Mistakes Co-Hosts Make in Podcasting

076 5 Big Mistakes Co-Hosts Make in Podcasting

How to avoid co-host awkwardness bleeding through your podcast You’ve got a co-host – that’s great. It makes creating the podcast so much more fun and easier too, right? Bad news – there’s a much higher chance that you’re effing it up because two hosts...
074 How to Stop saying Um and Ah in Your Podcast

074 How to Stop saying Um and Ah in Your Podcast

Avoiding verbal crutches and filler words Do you have a verbal crutch? You know that word or sound you lean on when you’re struggling to find the next real word in your sentence. Um, ah, like, you know, I mean… it’s natural. Now, stop doing it. Disclaimer. This is not...
066 What to do About the Dreaded Podcast Burnout

066 What to do About the Dreaded Podcast Burnout

Is it time to take a break, change it up, or kill it? Come up with another topic. Line up a guest. Make sure they know what they’re talking about. Schedule a time to record. Do some more research. Reschedule the recording session. Record an episode. Troubleshoot...
063 How to Save Your Podcast from Hijackers

063 How to Save Your Podcast from Hijackers

5 ways to save your podcast from being taken over Have you ever let your podcast get hijacked? You know – when a guest comes on and completely takes over and you slink away to the quiet shadows of your podcast? Have you heard this happen to other podcasters? I...
062 Is Poor Time Management Upsetting Your Podcast Audience?

062 Is Poor Time Management Upsetting Your Podcast Audience?

How this common saying sends a terrible message to your listener. Do you like having an audience? Do you want them to keep coming back, episode after episode? Then why are you constantly telling them you don’t have time for them? Rant warning! Time reference is one of...
060 How to Warm Up Your Podcast Guest

060 How to Warm Up Your Podcast Guest

Start on the Right Foot with This Simple Trick Have you ever had a dud of an interview? You know, your guest is dry as dust and half way through the interview you’re wonder why you ever thought they’d be good for your show? Do you watch late night talk shows and...
058 Help – I Hate the Sound of My Voice

058 Help – I Hate the Sound of My Voice

How podcasters can get over their ego and learn to love their voice Have you ever listened to your recorded voice and thought, ‘I don’t really sound like that’? Or, worse, considered quitting podcasting because you can’t stand the sound of your own voice (and you...
057 What’s an Energy Mirror and How Can it Help Your Podcast?

057 What’s an Energy Mirror and How Can it Help Your Podcast?

Harness the power to project and reflect energy Are you using the energy mirror technique to make sure your podcasts are consistent, engaging and on-brand? No? Then you better take a good look at yourself and your podcast. The energy mirror technique is not a random...
054 Why Your Podcast Needs More Feeling

054 Why Your Podcast Needs More Feeling

Injecting Emotion into Your Interviews and Ideas How does your podcast make your listener feel? If you just shrugged your shoulders, we have a problem. Here’s a newsflash – your audience wants to have an emotional reaction to your show. They want to feel...
053 Warning: You Might be a Lazy Podcaster

053 Warning: You Might be a Lazy Podcaster

Here are the top signs you’ve gotten lazy Time for a reality check – have you become a lazy podcaster? Are you phoning it in? Are you making bad decisions and blaming it on your busy-ness or (even worse) justifying it under the guise of ‘efficiency’. It...
052 How to Build a Better Relationship with your Listener

052 How to Build a Better Relationship with your Listener

Steal this radio biz technique Hey you. Yeah, you. I’m talking to you. If you’ve listened to my podcast before then you know that I’m always talking to you. Just you. Wanna know why? If you want to build a better relationship with your listener, you need to be talking...
048 How Perfectionism is a Problem for your Podcast

048 How Perfectionism is a Problem for your Podcast

The Perfect Podcast Doesn’t Exist Hands up if your podcast is perfect. If your hand is up then you are either being a smart ass, totally delusional or both. Nobody’s podcast is perfect – me included. And, that’s okay. In this episode of the Just the Tip, I...
043 Why You Need to Designate a Podcast Bus Driver

043 Why You Need to Designate a Podcast Bus Driver

Who’s Driving Your Podcast Bus? Imagine a car with two steering wheels and two sets of pedals. Wouldn’t that be fun? The answer is no. You’d be dead. If you host a podcast with more than one person or you have guests on your show then your podcast is in...
040 How to Properly Introduce Your Podcast Guest

040 How to Properly Introduce Your Podcast Guest

Don’t you hate it when someone get’s your name wrong? Introductions can ruin a first impression not only for the introducer but also for the introducee. And when you’re hosting a podcast, introducing your guest wrong doesn’t look good on you and it certainly isn’t...

039 Get Out! How to End Your Podcast Right

Why Your Call to Action is a Service to Your Listener Awkward good-byes are the worst. Am I going in for a hug? How about a kiss? Or my fist-bump hits your high-five and suddenly you’re gear-shifting me like you’re driving a big rig. Don’t let your goodbyes be awkward...

036 Embrace Your Pre-Podcast Rituals

How Habits Lead to Consistency in Performance Whether you call them superstitions, rituals or just old habits; when you do the same thing before an event, it becomes part of that event. And, when you skip it – bad things happen. No, this is not like one of those...
029 Why I Talk to One Podcast Listener

029 Why I Talk to One Podcast Listener

Drop the Ego and Connect with Your Listener I say listener instead of listeners – all the time. Maybe you thought I misspoke or , I clipped an ‘s’ in editing. Nope. I did it with pure intention and I think you should too. I’ve been doing this for years. I do it...
028 Five Mistakes Podcasters Make Before Hitting Record

028 Five Mistakes Podcasters Make Before Hitting Record

How To Avoid Failing Before You Start It’s all in the lead up. Great athletes know this. Successful business people know this. And you, fine podcaster, should know it too. Having a good pre-record routine is the key to setting yourself (and your show) up for success....