5 ways to save your podcast from being taken over
Have you ever let your podcast get hijacked? You know – when a guest comes on and completely takes over and you slink away to the quiet shadows of your podcast? Have you heard this happen to other podcasters?
I have. It hurts me deep in my podcasting heart. And, I can hear it as it’s happening. Things start out great. Host is in control. They ask a question and whoop, there goes the guest running away with the show. Same old spiel they’ve launched into on every show that will have them. Ten minutes and 10 plugs later and I’m screaming at the host through the ether ‘You’ve lost control! Get back in there and remind this guy who’s boss!’
Yes. Yes, I do actually yell. Show hijacks are not pretty.
It happens more than you think. Sometimes it’s because your guest has an agenda – you know, like a book or an online program to sell. Sometimes they just love the sound of their own voice and when they see the opportunity to ramble they go for it. Either way – it’s not good. It’s not good for you as a host and it definitely is not good for your listener.
In this episode of Just the Tip, I’ll share my top 5 tips for dealing with hijackers. You’ll find out how to avoid being hijacked in the first place, what to do if you are facing down a podcast hijacker and the choices you have if you lose control for good.
Don’t leave your podcast vulnerable. Learn how to save your show from being taken over by bully guests, insatiable promoters, and tiresome ramblers. Click play now.
By the way, I want you to have access to podcast-saving tips like this. So, subscribe to Just the Tip and never miss an episode.
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