129 How to Get Way Better Audio from your Podcast Guest
5 Ways to Avoid Crappy Sounding Guest Audio **Jerk-Alert** Fair warning… in this episode, I share 5 things you should be doing to ensure you get the best possible audio from guests on your show … but I can’t promise I’ll be nice about it. Here’s what happens all the...
021 Stop Making Your Listener Feel Dumb
Stop Making Your Listener Feel Dumb Want to know a quick way to lose a lot of listeners? Assume they know what you’re talking about. Talk over their heads and they’ll be hitting delete lickety split. In this podcast, I explain a few simple ways that you can avoid...
013 What You Should (& Shouldn’t) Edit Out of Your Podcast
What You Should (& Shouldn’t) Edit Out of Your Podcast I need to tell you something and you may not like it. Here goes. You’re not perfect. Shocking, I know. The good news is – you don’t need to be because there’s this magical thing called editing. I believe...