Stop Making Your Listener Feel Dumb
Want to know a quick way to lose a lot of listeners? Assume they know what you’re talking about. Talk over their heads and they’ll be hitting delete lickety split.
In this podcast, I explain a few simple ways that you can avoid making your audience feel dumb. Because, who likes to feel dumb? Look, they already know you know more than them – or at least they hope you do since that’s why they are tuning in – but that doesn’t mean you have to rub it in their faces. You may not even know you are doing it but they’re feeling it.
I’m not saying you have to dumb things down – not at all, what I’m saying is that you have to smartly use the tricks I share in this podcast to help your listener feel taken care of. To make sure that they feel like they are a part of the conversation not someone who woke up from a college bender smackdab in the middle of an astro-physics lecture.
This all comes back to my main message – be listener centric. They are the reason you do this thing so don’t make them feel like they are lost in the conversation, bring them along and give them a few hints so they can keep up and learn from you – the rockstar podcaster.