162 Has Your Podcast Lost its Magic? This Might Be Why

162 Has Your Podcast Lost its Magic? This Might Be Why

There’s this thing that happens to athletes when they over train. They over-analyze every stroke, swing, or step. They start to overthink what they are doing. Their motions and reactions become too premeditated, too stiff, too awkward. The pressure to perform mounts…...
161 Case Study: How She Launched and got 30,000 Podcast Downloads

161 Case Study: How She Launched and got 30,000 Podcast Downloads

 Jayna Marie’s Promotion Plan Generated Massive Downloads in the First 30 Days It’s the dream. Launch a podcast and instantly have 30,000 downloads. ‘Huge downloads’ is certainly the most common goal I hear in my free 15-minute coaching calls! The problem is, it’s not...
131 Why Your Podcast Growth Strategy Needs to be Custom

131 Why Your Podcast Growth Strategy Needs to be Custom

Stop comparing your podcast growth plan to everyone else’s You have a podcast growth strategy right? You know that plan you have for attracting an audience full of your ideal customers?  Here’s the problem, most podcasters either don’t have a growth strategy or they...
130 How Upspeak is Compromising your Podcast Authority

130 How Upspeak is Compromising your Podcast Authority

Are you compromising your authority just by how you present your information? You might be if you do this one thing? And I hear a lot of people doing it?  I’m not going to mince words, it drives me crazy? Imagine if every sentence you wrote had a question mark on the...