Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

Your podcast is live. You’re publishing episodes. You’re putting in the work. But… are people actually finding your show?

If your podcast downloads aren’t where you want them to be, there’s a good chance you’re making one critical mistake: You’re hiding your podcast.

Yep. If your podcast isn’t easily discoverable, you’re limiting your audience, decreasing the impact of your podcast on your business, and leaving leads on the table. So, in this episode, I’m breaking down the three essential places your podcast absolutely must live if you want to grow your audience, boost your visibility, and, if you’re podcasting for your business, generate more leads and sales.


Here are the 3 places your podcast should be:


1. Your Business Website

First up, your podcast needs to live on your website (especially if you’re using your podcast as a marketing tool for your business).

Will people listen to your podcast on your website? Maybe. But that’s not the point. The real benefit? SEO.

  1. Every episode adds fresh content to your site (which Google loves!).
  2. Show notes with strategic keywords boost your search ranking.
  3. Visitors who find your podcast via search are already on your site which means they’re one step closer to becoming a client. 

If you want your blog/website show notes to be the most effective, don’t just copy and paste the same show notes you use on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Google hates duplicate content. Write a fresh, SEO-friendly post for your website to maximize your search potential. 

No Website? No Problem. If you don’t have your own site, use the one provided by your podcast host or check out Podpage, a slick, easy-to-use platform built specifically for podcasters. 

2. Every Podcast Platform. Yes, All of Them.

True story: We worked with a podcaster who had killer content but painfully low downloads. Why? She was only on Spotify.

It’s not an uncommon mistake for new podcasters. She listens to her podcasts on Spotify so other platforms weren’t on her radar. Spotify makes it really easy to start publishing so she thought she was all set. Once we helped her get on ALL the platforms, she was thrilled to see her numbers (and leads) jump!

If you’re not distributing your podcast to all major platforms, you’re missing out on listeners. At minimum, make sure your show is available on:

Apple Podcasts


Amazon Music

YouTube Music!


Overcast, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, and more

Your podcast host likely has an option to distribute your show to all these platforms. Use it. 

Once your podcast is on all platforms, make it easy for listeners to subscribe by adding player logos (Apple, Spotify, etc.) to your website with your subscribe link.


3. YouTube & YouTube Music

YouTube deserves a separate mention because it is a huge search engine. It’s where people go to discover and consumer content—including podcasts.

Even if you don’t record video, your podcast should be on YouTube. Your podcast host may offer an automatic distribution option, but take it a step further:

  1. Create a dedicated YouTube channel for your podcast.
  2. Upload audio episodes with a static image or waveform.
  3. Make a playlist and turn it into a podcast on YouTube Music.
  4. Optimize your video descriptions for YouTube search. (Avoid duplicate content and write fresh descriptions!) 

By simply putting your podcast on YouTube, you’re instantly increasing your discoverability and reaching new listeners who might never find you on podcast apps. Check out episodes 203 and 183 for more on how to nail this strategy.


Ready to Boost Your Podcast’s Discoverability?

If your podcast is missing from any of these three places (your business website, all the platforms, and YouTube), you need to fix that… today. 

Your podcast is too good to be hiding in the shadows. Let’s get it in front of more listeners, more leads, and more potential clients.


Not Seeing the Leads & Sales You Expected from Your Podcast?

If people are finding your podcast but it’s not converting into business, your show might be misaligned with your marketing strategy.

Take our free Podcast Audit—a quick, 7-step diagnostic tool designed to help you pinpoint what’s working, what’s not, and how to fix it. 

Grab the FREE Podcast Audit here: PodcastPerformanceCoach.com/free-podcast-audit


Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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Pre-Record Checklist for Podcasting

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You'll also get access to a few other resources my clients use. Including my PERFORMANCE POSTERS. Plus my tipsletter with even more tools to improve your podcast performance. 


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You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


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You'll also get my tipsletter with even more tools to make your podcast engaging.