026 Death by Numbers

026 Death by Numbers

Why You Need to Limit Your Digits When You Podcast Numbers. They can be an important part of your point but they can also turn off your listener if you throw too many at them at once. Nix the number overload! I get it. Stats are an easy way to either prove your point...
025 How to Handle Sponsorships Successfully

025 How to Handle Sponsorships Successfully

How to Handle Sponsorships Successfully Congratulations! You’ve got your first sponsor. Before you start dancing all the way to the bank, you better make sure you’re handling it right or you’ll lose your listeners and your sponsor quick. Here’s the deal. Sponsors want...
021 Stop Making Your Listener Feel Dumb

021 Stop Making Your Listener Feel Dumb

Stop Making Your Listener Feel Dumb Want to know a quick way to lose a lot of listeners? Assume they know what you’re talking about. Talk over their heads and they’ll be hitting delete lickety split. In this podcast, I explain a few simple ways that you can avoid...
003 How to Listen to Your Own Podcast

003 How to Listen to Your Own Podcast

The Best and Easiest Way to Improve Your Podcast So often we get caught up in the process of creating our podcast – finding a guest, writing show descriptions and marketing it. Then, we track our downloads, analyze the numbers and make sure our artwork is...