Save time and your sanity when you edit your podcast.
How many expletives have you unleashed during the act of podcast editing. I’m guessing a lot. I still let them fly and I’ve been editing audio for almost three decades.
Editing is no joke. It can be frustrating, time consuming and if you let it get to you, it can be the death of your podcast-affair.
Lots of podcasters decide to edit their own podcast when they start out. And they should. I’m a firm believer that you need to understand the process if you are going to be a podcaster. And, if nothing else, it forces you to listen to your own podcast.
Once you’ve done that, if you can afford to hire a professional, then definitely do. It will save a tonne of time and frustration (and maybe even your marriage).
That really should be tip #1. Outsource your editing. That could be the only tip you need. Okay… I guess we’re done here.
All right, if you insist on editing your own podcast – I have three really good tips that will save your bacon for sure.
Tip 1 – Save Your Original File
This is just good file hygiene. After your record, BEFORE you start editing, save the original file then copy it and work with the second file. I go over my actual file saving protocol in this episode but I can tell you that if you were to get a peek at my filing system, you would see in THIS episode folder 090-editing-tips_RAW and 090-editing-tips_EDIT. The RAW file is the original recording and it is sacred. I never touch it – except in an emergency and even then, that is only to duplicate it again.
Tip 2 – Editing is a Two-Hander
If you are only using one hand when you edit, you’re functioning at half-speed. That other hand can be working two. Don’t let half your work force slack off! I explain in this episode exactly what your two hand should be doing but I’ll give you a hint – it involves a mouse and a shortcut key.
Tip 3 – Save Your Work Obsessively
If you saw me editing, you’d think that I have OCD about saving. It’s automatic for me. I don’t wait until a break in the action, I save as I go. Constantly. And you should too. You never know when a power outage or some kind of computer gremlin will cut your session short. Saving as you go will save so much more than your work. I’m talking sanity, time, and money (that you won’t have to put in the swear jar!).
Say it with me. Ctrl S, Apple S, Ctrl S.
You don’t want creating your awesome podcast to become a total pain in the butt just because editing it is a nightmare that you dread. Use these super simple, sanity-saving editing tips to keep the podcast love alive (and your podcast too).
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