208 How the Interview Podcast Model Could be Hurting You

208 How the Interview Podcast Model Could be Hurting You

If you have a podcast where you interview guests,  STOP. When you decided to get into podcasting you thought, it would be a great way to build your authority, grow your visibility, and improve your conversions. Awesome. And then you looked at the other podcasts out...
207 Uploaded a Podcast Episode With a Mistake? Here’s What to Do

207 Uploaded a Podcast Episode With a Mistake? Here’s What to Do

You uploaded an episode with a mistake! CRAP! What do you do? In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you step by step through the process of how to deal with an uploaded podcast episode that has little booboo in it. I know the feeling.  I make mistakes. And...
206 Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?

206 Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a successful podcaster? Like, if you were nominated for a podcast award like the Ambies, or Webbies would that make you a successful podcaster? I ask not just because a show I edit and produce was nominated, but because...