093 How to Niche Down Your Podcast Like a Pro

093 How to Niche Down Your Podcast Like a Pro

Two ways to make your podcast more relevant to listeners How niche can you go? How niche should you go? And, how do you pull it off?  Niching scares the crap out of podcasters. I think they’re afraid that if they target a smaller audience, they’ll have a small...
087 The Best Way to Measure Podcast Success

087 The Best Way to Measure Podcast Success

Setting Smart Podcast KPIs that Move the Needle for your Business Mega-downloads = successful podcast, right? Not so fast, podcaster. Look, I get it. Watching your download numbers grow feels good. It’s like a whole bunch of gold stars on your homework. And,...
067 This is the Bare Minimum You Need to Reach in Podcasting

067 This is the Bare Minimum You Need to Reach in Podcasting

Great content won’t cut it if you fail to do this 1 thing I love to talk to people about podcasting, and people love to tell me about their favorite podcasts. They also love to tell me what they hate about podcasting – which I also love because it gives me...

033 Stop Podcasting Naked

How to Dress Up Your Voice with EQ and Other Tricks If you’re podcasting naked, I beg you to stop. Not because I’m a prude but because I think you’ll sound better when you dress your voice up a bit. Oh, did you think I was talking about recording in your underwear?...

032 The Art of the Tease for Podcasters

The Art of the Tease for Podcasters Tease me. Seriously, tease me. Give me a reason to keep listening. Tell me why your show is worth my time. A tease is an essential part of your show.  If you do it right, you’ll keep your fans listening longer and we know what that...