089 How to Pivot Your Podcast and Get Results

089 How to Pivot Your Podcast and Get Results

Making the right changes for the right reasons can make your podcast better. If my last podcast left you feeling like, ‘hot damn, I need to pivot!’ then let’s make sure you pivot right. In this episode, I cover how to do it and not eff it up.  In case you missed my...
015 Extro Your Guest Like a Pro

015 Extro Your Guest Like a Pro

Extro Your Guest Like a Pro Has this ever happened to you? You’re listening to a great podcast interview and then you get to the end, you’ve got your pen in hand ready to jot down how to contact this amazing guest and boom. The host drops the ball. Fails to extro the...
014 Mastering Open Ended Questions

014 Mastering Open Ended Questions

Mastering Open Ended Questions How do you feel about open ended questions? If you said you don’t care about them then stand by because I’m about to make them your best friend. Let’s start by clarifying what an open ended question is. It’s the opposite of a close ended...