Extro Your Guest Like a Pro
Has this ever happened to you? You’re listening to a great podcast interview and then you get to the end, you’ve got your pen in hand ready to jot down how to contact this amazing guest and boom. The host drops the ball. Fails to extro the guest properly.
Or, the host prattles on with goodbyes and thanks until you’re bored out of your tree and you can’t take it any more. You turn the damn thing off for fear your brain might actually atrophy listening to back-patting-smoke-blowing-palooza. The worst.
Are you dropping the ball as a host? It’s disappointing for your fans and it’s disrespectful to your guest. The good news – it’s not rocket science and this is something we can fix right away.
There are three main components to a good, professional-sounding guest extro. And, I want to be clear, we’re talking about the point in your show when you thank and say goodbye to your guest. We’re not talking about your show extro. That’s a different animal. Or, it should be (but we’ll save that for another podcast…) All it takes is a bit of pre-planning, a tiny bit of scripting and keeping your listener in mind.
In this episode, I’ll tell you exactly what you should be saying. I’ll also explain how a well crafted guest extro can motivate your guest to share the episode, leave them feeling well taken care of and, *most importantly* give your fans everything they need to get the very most out of your show. Win. Win. Win.
Sadly, I hear far too many shows missing this opportunity. So, stop dicking around and press play on this episode!