133 What’s the Best Way to Start Strong Every Podcast Episode?

133 What’s the Best Way to Start Strong Every Podcast Episode?

Scripted Podcast? Improve Your Performance with this Top Tip… Have you ever noticed that things are a little bumpy out of the gate when you turn that mic on? Well, if you have, you are in good company. Some of the best radio voices need time to warm up, to get...
119 The Interview Technique Every Podcast Needs to Know

119 The Interview Technique Every Podcast Needs to Know

Take Care of Your Podcast Listener with a Timewarp Your interview is too long. I mean, it’s waaaay longer than your normal interviews.    This has happened for one of two reasons: You lost control of your guest and let them run rampant with your show (see episode...
081 Why you Need Good Episode Titles for your Podcast

081 Why you Need Good Episode Titles for your Podcast

Three tips that will help your podcast get found Yes. Confession time. Are you being lazy with your episodes titles? Are you naming them with as much consideration as say a file name? If you are, then you’re missing opportunities! Episode title names aren’t fun....
044 How to Create a ‘Best Of’ Podcast

044 How to Create a ‘Best Of’ Podcast

Re-Purpose that Podcast Gold with a Best-of Episode Do you have any ‘best of’ albums? They’re great, right? So, why not give your listeners nothing but the hits by creating a ‘Best Of’ episode? A ‘best of’ episode is pretty self explanatory – you take the most...