114 Is Your Podcast an Enormous Disappointment to Your Listeners?

114 Is Your Podcast an Enormous Disappointment to Your Listeners?

You may be inadvertently doing a bait and switch Nobody likes to be duped. It’s no fun being let down. Everyone wants to get what they came for. So, are you disappointing your listeners by not living up to your own hype? Have you heard the term catfishing? It’s that...
077 How to Start an Effective Podcast for your Business

077 How to Start an Effective Podcast for your Business

The 3 Things You Need to Consider in Your Podcast for Business If you’re like most podcasters, you caught the bug and jumped right on the podcast trend train. Now, maybe you’re wondering why people aren’t flocking to your business after hearing your super awesome...
075 Why You Need To Know Your Podcaster Type

075 Why You Need To Know Your Podcaster Type

You are in one of three podcast lanes but is it the right one? There are three types of podcasts. Do you know which one you have? You better, or you could be doing a disservice to your audience and wasting your time and money. There are three types of podcaster Hobby...
066 What to do About the Dreaded Podcast Burnout

066 What to do About the Dreaded Podcast Burnout

Is it time to take a break, change it up, or kill it? Come up with another topic. Line up a guest. Make sure they know what they’re talking about. Schedule a time to record. Do some more research. Reschedule the recording session. Record an episode. Troubleshoot...
063 How to Save Your Podcast from Hijackers

063 How to Save Your Podcast from Hijackers

5 ways to save your podcast from being taken over Have you ever let your podcast get hijacked? You know – when a guest comes on and completely takes over and you slink away to the quiet shadows of your podcast? Have you heard this happen to other podcasters? I...