Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts

You’ve got an awesome guest booked for your podcast.

They look fantastic on paper, credentials galore. But when the interview mic gets hot, things fall flat. Short, one-word answers leave you wondering if you’ll have to pull the pin on the whole episode. This interview feels more like pulling teeth than a compelling conversation.

From Awkward Interrogation to Captivating Conversation: Enter the Expander Question

We’ve all been there. But fear not, there’s a way to transform those awkward silences into riveting podcast gold. The secret weapon? Expander questions!

Remember that episode where we talked about the power of open-ended questions over closed-ended ones? (“What was the hardest part of swimming the English Channel?” vs. “Was it hard?”). Expander questions take that concept a step further, designed to crack open even the most reserved interviewee and unearth the juicy details, emotions, and relatable stories that truly captivate listeners.

The Goal: A 3D Listening Experience

The goal isn’t to pad your episode runtime. It’s to create a 3D listening experience for your audience. Imagine transporting your listeners right into the conversation, allowing them to connect with the guest’s experiences on a deeper level. Expander questions help you achieve this by:

  1. Adding Detail: Instead of a vague statement, ask, “Can you walk us through that process step-by-step?” This paints a vivid picture for listeners.
  2. Unveiling Emotions: Don’t shy away from the feels! “How did that make you feel?” taps into the heart of the story, creating a powerful connection.
  3. Building Context: Help listeners see the bigger picture with, “How does this experience relate to your overall mission?” This creates meaning and relevance.
  4. Sparking Application: Don’t let the learning stop at the episode end. “What can listeners take away from this?” empowers your audience to put those insights into action.

Your Emergency Interview Kit: Essential Expander Questions

Now, let’s equip you with your very own “emergency interview kit” – a toolbox of expander questions to keep those conversations flowing:

  1. Clarifying Questions: “Tell me more about that” or “Can you elaborate on what you mean by…?” Cut through any confusion and ensure everyone’s on the same page.
  2. Emotional Questions: “How did that make you feel?” or “What emotions did you experience?” Uncover the heart of the story and create a deeper connection.
  3. Detail Questions: “Can you walk us through the process?” or “What specific steps did you take?” Paint a vivid picture for listeners and bring them into the experience.
  4. Connection Questions: “How does this experience relate to xyz?” or “Have you encountered similar situations before?” Help listeners see the bigger picture and find ways to connect with the guest’s journey.
  5. Application Questions: “What did you learn from this?”, “What advice would you give listeners facing a similar situation?” “What can listeners learn from this?” or “How can my listener apply this advice in their own life?” Empower your audience to take action based on the insights shared.
  6. Quirky Questions: “What childhood experience most prepared you for this?” or “If this experience were a carnival ride, what would it be and why?” Lighten the mood, spark unexpected insights, and create truly memorable moments.

The Secret Ingredient: Be an Engaged Listener

Here’s the real kicker: these questions are only powerful when used effectively. The key is to be an engaged listener. Pay close attention to their responses, pick up on cues, and adjust your follow-up questions accordingly. Don’t be afraid to ditch the script and ride the wave of the conversation when inspiration strikes.

Trust me, it’s a lot more fun this way!

By mastering the art of expander questions, you’ll transform your interviews from one-dimensional to captivating. You’ll not only get incredible content for your show, but you’ll also create a space where your guests can truly shine.

Ready to take your interview skills to the next level and conquer those one-word answers?

Let’s chat! Book a free coaching call and we’ll build your personalized interview kit.

Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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Pre-Record Checklist for Podcasting

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You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


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You'll also get my tipsletter with even more tools to make your podcast engaging.