Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts

How podcasting helps you grow your business

A lot of entrepreneurs wonder whether podcasting will be worth their time and effort. Does podcasting really have a good ROI? 

The answer is yes if you’re trying to grow your brand’s authority. If you want to increase your reach and have more people know, like, and trust you – then you need a podcast. 

In this episode, I share three ways that podcasting will help increase your authority. Scratch that, in this episode, I share 4 ways.

Here are the three ways a podcast will boost your authority in your niche. 

1. Social Proof

It might be a little surface, but let’s face it – just having a podcast gets you one step up on someone who doesn’t. People see that podcast on your website and in your social media feeds and they instantly think you MUST know something. But, that’s not the only social proof. You’ll also be tapped for more guest interviews (on other podcasts and in the media) when you have a podcast and that is further social proof that you are the go-to authority on a topic. 

2. Showing Off Your Expertise

Not everyone is going to believe the hype! The good news is that your well produced, content rich podcast can be the pudding (you know, where the proof is). Once they get an earful of your brilliance, your authority factor notches up a peg or two. And, after many episodes of delivering the goods, you’ll be synonymous with the topic you’re an expert on for your listeners. Talk about authority!

3. KLT – Know, Like, and Trust Factor

For those who haven’t encountered this term – it’s what digital marketers consider the key to converting a customer. First they have to know who you are, second they have to like you, what you stand for, or what you sell, and then they have to trust that you are the right person to buy from. So, unless you’re a jerk (and since you’re listening to my podcast, I’m going to bet you’re NOT), rubbing your brilliance all over their earballs each week is going to definitely help the know you, probably result in them liking you and definitely improve your odds that they’ll buy from you. 

Yes, I said there’s a fourth way – but you’ll have to give to the show a listen (after all, it’s packed with authority building goodness and it’s only 6 minutes!)

If you’ve already got a podcast, keep it up. You’ve probably enjoyed an instant authority boost and the benefits will keep coming. 

If you haven’t started a podcast for your business – it’s not too late! Sure, the podcast market is getting crowded but you can still see an authority boost. Nobody has a podcast featuring you, right? The key is to do it right from the beginning. 

Having a podcast is better for your authority than NOT having a podcast!

If you’d like to find out how I help business owners and entrepreneurs develop a podcast that is sure to amplify your authority, book a free, no obligation call with me today. I’ll walk you through the 9 steps to starting a podcast right. 

Here’s a link to my calendar. Click it and grab a time that works for you.

Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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Pre-Record Checklist for Podcasting

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You'll also get access to a few other resources my clients use. Including my PERFORMANCE POSTERS. Plus my tipsletter with even more tools to improve your podcast performance. 


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You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


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You'll also get my tipsletter with even more tools to make your podcast engaging.