Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg

Your Podcast Really Needs a Podcast

So you’ve got a podcast or you’re planning to create a podcast and you’re focusing so much attention on your show that you think maybe, just maybe, you can skip the whole having a website for your podcast thing. EEENGHH! Wrong. 

I get these questions all the time. Do I need a website for my podcast? Is my Apple podcast page enough? Can’t I just use my social media channels instead of building a website for my podcast? 

I think that this comes from podcasters (or would be podcasters) feeling overwhelmed by all the time and work they are already putting into their podcast. The idea of also creating a website feels like just too much work. So, if they can skip that step, they’ll happily do that. 

Sorry to break the news to you. You can’t skip out on creating a website for you podcast – or at least having a page on your current website for your podcast. You need more than a social media page, more than the Apple podcast page, more than what your podcast host (like Libsyn) is going to create for you automatically. 

Here’s why.  

You are podcasting to serve your audience and build a relationship with them. If you don’t provide a way for them to continue that relationship, then you are failing them. And yourself. And your business. 

You want to have full control of the platform that this happens on (which is why all of the other options like social media and iTunes are subpar). 

If you are podcasting for your business, then you want to create a place where people can take that next step with your business. That might be accessing your show notes, the resources you offered, or a lead magnet you’ve created. Or, it might be hiring you or buying your stuff. 

Plus, if you are podcasting for your business, a big benefit of having a podcast is building authority. Why wouldn’t you want that all over your website?

If you are not podcasting for your business, but you still give two sniffs about your listener, then having a website is still a good idea. And, if you have hopes and dreams about attracting sponsors down the road, the website is going to add value to that sponsorship in a few different ways. So, having a website (that functions as a way for your listenership to engage with you beyond listening to your podcast) is going to make your listenership more loyal and more valuable to sponsors! 


So, what should you have on your podcast website? 

I outline it in this episode but here’s the good news – not much. A few pages. 

  1. Your podcast page which has a podcast player and show notes for each episode. This could be your home page.
  2. An about page so that people who already like you can satisfy their curiosity and (if you’re not the devil) fall even more in love with you. Include pictures!
  3. A contact page that includes your social media links and a way for people to connect with you. 
  4. A subscribe button or two. Let your fans know how to subscribe to your podcast or your newsletter or both!

Taaa Da. 


If you don’t need or want your podcast on your business website, then HANDS DOWN, THE ABSOULUTE EASIEST AND FASTEST WAY TO CREATE A WEBSTE FOR YOUR PODCAST IS WITH PODPAGE.

Podpage is an all-in-one, done-for-you podcast website platform that automatically updates when a new episode is released (through your RSS Feed).

Many of my clients use it and love it!  –  It’s one less thing they have to do.

I obviously have this website but I also created a PODPAGE website for you to check out (a free version from a few years ago). There are many ways to customize the layout, add additional pages and links and you also can assign a custom domain to it. All for $12/month (as of the time I’m writing this).

Once you set it up, you’d don’t have to touch it. It updates automatically! It’s amazing!


There are obviously other pages you could add, like a Work With Me page, Services, Products, Resources, a sales page, or a lead page but these four are the bare minimum to start with. 

If you already have a website for your business, then all you really need to do is add a podcast page. BUT, make sure it’s visible and easy for eager listeners to find. I can’t tell you how many websites I’ve gone to where finding their podcast is like finding real treasure on Oak Island. Don’t make me hunt for it (and certainly don’t expect 7 to die trying)! 

Having a website is going to help you better serve your listener, which will make your relationship with your listener better and improve the chances of you reaching your podcast goals

I’d love to take a look at your podcast website. Send me a link by email

Or, take advantage of my free 15-minute coaching call and let’s see if we can’t make your podcast (or planned podcast) even more effective! Click here for direct access to my calendar.

Listen to more 5-minute episodes, explore my resources and check out my coaching packages ON MY WEBSITE at PodcastPerformanceCoach.com


Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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