Breakup with a crappy podcast guest like a pro
It happens to the best of us. Even the pros have bad interviews. Or, rather bad guests. So, what do you do when your podcast guest is crappy, drunk, an ass, incoherent or just pointless? You kill the interview.
In this episode of Just the Tip, I walk you through the steps of killing a bad interview. Yes, there is a right and a wrong way to do this.
So, what constitutes a bad podcast guest?
It’s simple – the content they deliver doesn’t serve your audience and/or it doesn’t help you deliver on your promise to your listener.
There are ways to avoid getting into this situation, ahem, episode 67. And, there are ways to solve it on the spot, cough-cough, episode 63. But, if you do all of these things and you still wind up with an episode that just needs to be encased in cement and dropped off a long pier – this episode is your guide.
I’ve seen a lot of people in forums and groups discuss this scenario. And, frankly, that’s what inspired this episode. Mostly because I saw some pretty bad advice in those forums.
It happens from time to time in radio, when we’re lucky enough to have pre-recorded the interview. And let me tell you, a good radio producer will not hesitate to kill a bad interview. And, they don’t feel guilty about it either. It’s all about having the right mindset and commitment to your listeners.
It’s these producer tips that I’m sharing in this episode. Every podcaster experiences a bad guest. Be armed with the right way to get rid of them (and sooner rather than later) so that you never have to freak out about what to do (and go to get advice from some online forum that will only lead to you getting a crap reputation).
By the way, there’s even a way to kill a bad interview AND turn the whole thing into an opportunity. If you want that tip, sign up for my Tipsletter right now… it’ll be in my next newsletter!
Or, tap directly into this kind of ridiculous genius by booking a free 15-min call with me.