The key to hashing out your podcast ideas
Have you ever had an amazing podcast episode idea, promptly written it down on a sticky note for safe keeping only to find the incomprehensible scribble months later?
Put an end to forgotten and mislayed ideas! In this episode, I’m going to share a trick that every podcaster should be using so that brilliant ideas become brilliant podcasts (instead of dried up, illegible sticky notes).
Look, putting together a podcast takes a lot of brain power. Whatever your topic is, you have to come up with show topics that you can present in a way that will serve your audience. That usually means you’ve thought it out. You know, like before you hit record.
But, coming up with ideas and crafting them into a show outline takes time and energy. A lot of podcasters find this out the hard way – usually around episode 38. When you start your podcast the ideas are never ending… and then you hit the wall. You’re banging your head, trying to will ideas to come to you but they’re not there. You’re reaching back into the week that was, certain that you’d had ideas. What were they, again?
Then, you start thinking crazy thoughts like – what if I just did an episode about my cat, or what if maybe I didn’t do an episode this week… month… year. Stop the madness!
There is a way to capture ideas and inspiration so that you never run out of topics. How and when you do that is key. This is something I learned back in my days as a radio DJ. I had to come up with 30 things to talk about every day. I realize pretty quickly that I needed to always be brainstorming! That’s when I came up with a system that ensured good ideas never got away.
So, take 5 minute right now and learn this super simple trick (that will become a good habit) if you want to get your ideas from your head (or sticky note) to published.
Need help articulating your ideas or formatting your show? Grab my 30-Days to a Better Podcast coaching package! We’ll have you podcasting with ease in just one month.