Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Tim Wohlberg on Apple Podcasts
podcast coach Tim Wohlberg
Let me tell you what I’m going to tell you before I tell you. Are you using this technique? Cut it out! It’s a total disregard of your listener’s valuable time and totally unnecessary.

I can hear the haters/disagreements/arguments already. Look, I know someone told you that this is good presentation technique – tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you just told them. Let me ask you something. Is your audience full of 3-year olds? Are you trying to brainwash them? Do you think they have nothing but time? No? Okay, then stop doing this.

There’s another possible reason you’re doing this. It may be because this is a technique used to keep people’s attention during boring presentations. So, is that the reason? Well, I have a new technique for you,  it’s called ‘turn down the suck!’ Make engaging, forward moving podcasts and you won’t have to fight to keep your listener’s attention.

It’s great to have good form and good content. Know where you are going is important and even reminding them from time to time is good but nobody needs to hear your inner dialogue. I was driving once using my GPS and the must have been a bug because she kept telling me what to do. I mean every 60 seconds. “Follow the road for 58 kilometres. Follow the road for 57 kilometres. Follow the road for 56 kilometres…” Annoying, right? The first one was helpful but eventually I just turned it off. If you podcast is full of updates on where you are in the podcast and where you’re going, your listeners are going to have the same reaction. Turn it off.

Let me give you an example and probably my biggest pet peeve with the whole commentating your podcast thing. Announcing the question number. Really?! Is this a pop quiz you’re giving your guest? I tuned in for a conversation. And, it’s even worse if it’s preceded by ‘my next question is…’ Here’s what I’m hearing, ‘I the host, am not actually part of this conversation, I’m just reading the questions I was given’. What are you, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard making a court ordered apology video?

So, here’s the test. If I’ve got you wondering if you’re a podcast commentary offender, listen to your podcast or read your script and ask yourself – is this piece of information valuable to the listener? Does the listener need to know that you are about to ask another question (in the middle of your interview show)? Do they need to know what number it is? Do they get anything out of the intro to your intro?

Trim it down, get to the goods, respect your listener’s time – kill the commentary and get on with it!

Okay, this is the part of the show notes where I tell you that this is the part of the show notes that contains crucial information about making your podcast sound more pro and attract more fans by hiring me to critique your show and coach you to greatness.

Hire me to critique your show and coach you to podcast greatness!

Here’s a link to a video featuring Peter Warren who I quote in the podcast. ‘Get on with it!’


Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg
Podcast Coach Tim Wohlberg

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You'll also get access to all my free resources including my PRE-RECORD CHECKLIST. Plus my weekly tipsletter with even more tools to improve your pordcast performance.


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