103 Are You Living Up To Your Podcast Promise?

103 Are You Living Up To Your Podcast Promise?

Why THIS Part of your Intro is Critical to Success I don’t want to alarm you, but you might be letting your listeners down. They’re not mad…just disappointed. Promises, promises, promises. Your podcast should be built on them. Or, rather on one in particular....
098 – How to Stand Out in a Sea of Podcasts

098 – How to Stand Out in a Sea of Podcasts

Hundreds of podcasts are launching every day, don’t get left behind. Picture a sandbox. A good sized sandbox. Now, bend down and pick up some sand. Now, single out one grain. That’s your podcast in the podcast universe and it’s getting more and more crowded every day....

000 Introduction to Tim Wohlberg

Introduction to Tim Wohlberg, Podcast Performance Coach Great Advice for Podcast Hosts from a Broadcaster http://traffic.libsyn.com/podcastperformancecoach/000_Introduction_to_Tim_Wohlberg_Podcast_Performance_Coach.mp3     Great Advice for Podcast Hosts from a...