211 Tips for Podcast Hosts to Manage Guest Plugs Effectively

211 Tips for Podcast Hosts to Manage Guest Plugs Effectively

So, your guest wants to promote themself on your podcast… Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you should. In this episode, I tackle a common pitfall that can derail your podcast’s flow and alienate your listeners: letting guests run...
207 Uploaded a Podcast Episode With a Mistake? Here’s What to Do

207 Uploaded a Podcast Episode With a Mistake? Here’s What to Do

You uploaded an episode with a mistake! CRAP! What do you do? In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you step by step through the process of how to deal with an uploaded podcast episode that has little booboo in it. I know the feeling.  I make mistakes. And...
130 How Upspeak is Compromising your Podcast Authority

130 How Upspeak is Compromising your Podcast Authority

Are you compromising your authority just by how you present your information? You might be if you do this one thing? And I hear a lot of people doing it?  I’m not going to mince words, it drives me crazy? Imagine if every sentence you wrote had a question mark on the...