211 Tips for Podcast Hosts to Manage Guest Plugs Effectively

211 Tips for Podcast Hosts to Manage Guest Plugs Effectively

So, your guest wants to promote themself on your podcast… Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you should. In this episode, I tackle a common pitfall that can derail your podcast’s flow and alienate your listeners: letting guests run...
074 How to Stop saying Um and Ah in Your Podcast

074 How to Stop saying Um and Ah in Your Podcast

Avoiding verbal crutches and filler words Do you have a verbal crutch? You know that word or sound you lean on when you’re struggling to find the next real word in your sentence. Um, ah, like, you know, I mean… it’s natural. Now, stop doing it. Disclaimer. This is not...
061 Why in the World are You a Podcaster?

061 Why in the World are You a Podcaster?

How your answer could make or break your podcast Why do you podcast? Seriously, why? I’m not being smug (for a change). I want you to seriously think about this question. There’s a good chance that you knew the answer to this question when you started your podcast....
045 How to Set Killer Goals for Your Podcast

045 How to Set Killer Goals for Your Podcast

Getting Beyond the Vain Download Count What has your podcast done for you lately? Measuring success can be difficult without realistic goals. Like driving without a map, having a podcast without goals can have you podcasting in circles. Fun for a while but then a bit...
043 Why You Need to Designate a Podcast Bus Driver

043 Why You Need to Designate a Podcast Bus Driver

Who’s Driving Your Podcast Bus? Imagine a car with two steering wheels and two sets of pedals. Wouldn’t that be fun? The answer is no. You’d be dead. If you host a podcast with more than one person or you have guests on your show then your podcast is in...