The Correct Way to Position Your Podcast Microphone
A lot of podcasters think they need to spend a lot of money on a microphone. Not true. It’s not your equipment, it’s how you use it. Let me explain.
You’ll likely be compressing your podcast in the end to save space before you upload it. You’d be surprised with what a little EQ and compression can do. There are many online tutorials for that. But, using the mic you have correctly is crucial in getting the most out of it.
In this podcast, I explain how to avoid a REALLY common newbie mistake and how to ensure that your mic is set up to get the best sounding you possible. First I give you an test to see if you’re actually using the correct mic. No wait…this is actually a thing. Are you are wondering why you have a hollow sounding podcast? Isn’t it weird that your awesome new mic can pick up the hum of your washing machine and even the sound of the lady upstairs cutting her vegetables? It’s not the mic!
Don’t be afraid of that thing either. Get close but not too close. I know right…so what’s the right distance? Do I need a pop-screen or a windsock? To help you figure it out, listen to my podcast and then watch the video below. I show you exactly how to position your mic.
Check out this video.
Here’s the mic I use and the other equipment I recommend.
Now that you’re sounding great, what about your guest? You’re not going to be able to control exactly how your guest sounds. However you can and should ask them to lean in or position their computer, phone or mic closer to their mouth. Push them to do so. Tell them you and your listener want to hear every word they have to say. It’s important to you, so make it important to them. They’ll understand.
Still have mic questions? Send me your ‘Q’ and I’ll ‘A’ it in an upcoming podcast. Or, grab 15 minutes of Tim Wohlberg time free by clicking here.