103 Are You Living Up To Your Podcast Promise?

103 Are You Living Up To Your Podcast Promise?

Why THIS Part of your Intro is Critical to Success I don’t want to alarm you, but you might be letting your listeners down. They’re not mad…just disappointed. Promises, promises, promises. Your podcast should be built on them. Or, rather on one in particular....
096 How to Get Out of Podcast Launch Paralysis

096 How to Get Out of Podcast Launch Paralysis

You’ve decided to do a podcast. You’ve recorded a couple of episodes. And then you re-recorded them. And now, they’re sitting their collecting digital dust because you don’t know if they’re good enough. Sound familiar? You’ve got Podcast Launch Paralysis.  First of...
088 Is it Time to Pivot Your Podcast for Greater Success?

088 Is it Time to Pivot Your Podcast for Greater Success?

If your podcast isn’t serving you, you might need a major podcast makeover. Be honest. Is your podcast delivering the results you expected when you committed the time and money to creating it? Are you considering taking it for coffee and gently explaining, “It’s not...
078 Why and How to Add Man-on-the-Street Interviews

078 Why and How to Add Man-on-the-Street Interviews

Incorporate the Tried and True ‘Streeters’ Interview to Inject Life into Your Podcast This tactic has been used by radio and television for decades to make a story more relevant and compelling. Should you be using it in your podcast too? I love talking to...